Chapter Fourteen

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Romy wasn't that bad at all, Lily discovered. Secretly, Lily scolded herself for suspecting such a nice person of some suspicious, shady doings. Lily refused to tell this to her friends because more than anything, she wanted to avoid an "I told you so".

A week passed since that night when Lily, Cassie, and Nora helped the Sanger twins in that hallway. The months had changed. The faded summer air of September changed into the crisp air of October. Students put away their short-sleeved shirts in favor of the warmth long-sleeves offered.

"It's unfair, really," Hugo said, stabbing his dinner with a fork. "That quiz was announced."

"That's why they call it a pop quiz, Hugo," Rudy said, giving his friend a smirk.

"Quiet you," Hugo said, chewing now. "I mean...mrph...honestly...why-"

"Hugo Weasley, chew with your mouth closed," Lily said, fed up with looking at her cousin's dinner.

He swallowed, "Sure thing, mother."

Lily rolled her eyes at his childish comment.

"I would like to say that I for one did fine on Flitwick's pop quiz," Rudy said with a smile. "It was the best mark I've gotten on any of his quizzes."

"Good for you," Hugo said mockingly and narrowing his eyes. "You're great at Charms. Whoop-de-doo, Rudy."

"Ignore, Hugo," Lily said, giving her cousin a glare. He could have been a little bit supportive. "I'm happy that you got a nice mark."

"I'm happy that you got a nice mark," Hugo said in a voice that was supposed to mock Lily's.

"You're just chipper today, aren't you, Hugo?" Eli asked as he sat down beside Hugo.

Lily laughed at this, "He's so happy to be alive, Eli. He's just full of happiness on this fine evening."

"I don't appreciate your tone," Hugo said, looking up from his mashed potatoes. "Where were you anyway, Eli?"

"Can't a man go to the loo without questioning?" Eli asked as he grabbed a roll from the bowl in the table's center. "I told you guys that I had to go to the bathroom when we got down here."

"That he did," Lily said, nodding. "Where were you when he said that, Hugo?"

"Sulking," Rudy answered for him.

"You three are despicable. Truly the worst."

"It happens," Eli shrugged.

The four continued eating for five minutes. The usual banter flowed. That night's topic was Hugo's poor performance in Charms. Lily was about to make a comment about it when she realized someone was missing.

"Have any of you seen Romy?" she asked after glancing up and down the benches at the Gryffindor table. "She told me she'd be down."

"She's probably with Cecily," Hugo said through a mouthful of food.

Rudy shook his head from beside Lily, "Cecily's hanging out with some Hufflepuffs."

"No, she's not," Hugo said.

"I can see her, Hugo," Rudy said, his shoulders rising to his ears. "Why are you so insufferable tonight?"

"Why are you so insufferable tonight?" Hugo said in another one of his mocking voices.

"Romy's probably off with Addie," Eli said. Lily was happy someone was actually answering her question. "Addie's probably off shouting at some random student in German, and-"

Lily Potter and the Shadows' MisfortuneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang