Chapter Twenty-Three

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After hatching a plan before bed, Lily arose the next morning with some idea of how to get some information out of the Sanger twins. It would involve asking questions about the necklaces that the twins wore over breakfast. They couldn't escape breakfast. It wasn't possible. They'd have to at least behave themselves.

"So you think this is honestly going to work?" Eli asked as the pair waited for Hugo and Rudy to come downstairs from the boys' dormitories.

Lily shrugged, "I don't see why not. If I ask them questions about their necklaces, then I'll get answers."

"But what do their necklaces have to do with anything?" Eli asked, leaving over the coffee table between Lily's and his chairs. "They're just necklaces."

"Have you ever seen them without those necklaces?" Lily asked. "I swear, the twins go to bed with them on. I'm positive of that."

Eli rolled his eyes, "They're probably family heirlooms or something."

"Who wears jewelry with their pajamas?" she asked. "Doesn't that seem a bit strange to you? You have to admit that it's a bit weird."

"Fine, but I don't see what those necklaces are going to prove."

"I don't know either, but it'll get me something," Lily said. "If they don't say much to me about them, it'll at least give me a reason to speak to them. And talking leads to stronger relationships."

"I'm pretty sure you're mad, Lily," he said, sitting back in his chair.

"I am not mad, Eli," she said, relaxing back into her own chair. "This'll give us some progress with Addie and Romy."

"Addie's going to scream at you in German," he said. "That's all we're going to get accomplished."

"Always the one to point out the possible holes in my plan, aren't you, Eli?" Lily said, giving her friend an amused smile.

"Someone's got to play the devil's advocate," he said. "I'm just saying."

"Pessimist," Lily said.

"Realist," he said, correcting Lily's words.

"Optimist!" Hugo said from behind them, bounding over with Rudy beside him. "And what are we talking about, ladies?"

Eli rolled his gray eyes at his best friend, "I'm not a lady."

"Yeah, right," Hugo said. "Anyway, what were you guys talking about?"

Lily relayed her plan to interrogate the Sanger twins about the necklaces to the latecomers, and as usual, Rudy seemed in favor while Hugo made stupid comments. Lily thought that it was nice to know that some things always remained constant.

"We're actually going to do this?" Rudy asked.

"I'll do it," Lily said. "It'd be fishy if you started asking about jewelry."

"Gender stereotypes," Hugo said, shaking his head at Lily. "They really hurt sometimes, Lil."

"Stereotypes," Lily said with a light laugh, "that's a big word for you, Hugo."

Hugo pretended to stab himself in the chest, "Did you see that? That was you stabbing me in the chest and twisting the knife."

"Well, do you want to ask Romy about her necklace?" Lily asked, standing up from her chair.

Hugo shook his head, "No, but I think Eli does. I think the color would go nicely with his eyes."

"Shut it, Hugo," Eli grumbled, sinking deeper into his chair.

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