"Ok do you both want tell me why you have barged in here and attacked me for something I already sorted out with Luhan?" he looks back and forth between me and Lay as Lay sits up in the chair in front of Sehun's desk. "Your asshole of an ex was in the mall earlier and gave Luhan a little visit, told him if he didn't end it with you he would tell everyone that your both dating". Sehun stands up quickly looking around. "Where is luhan now?" he asks grabbing his jacket and keys from his desk. "We don't know where he is" Lay says . I stand up putting my glass down. "He is on his way to Ireland, he swapped his shift with Taehyung" I tell him as he looks in shock at me. "No he wouldn't just go like that would he?" Sehun turns with his hands through his hair grabbing it tight looking out the window. "Minseok, look on my computer and see if that flight has left yet" he says making Minseok nearly fall onto the chair as he checks the computer.

"We are too late boss, it took off 15 minutes ago" Minseok turns to look at his boss as Sehun punches the wall in anger. "Was luhan on the plane?" He asks him as Minseok checks. "Boss it just says Taehyungs name as he was the one scheduled to be on it". 

"FUCK I'M GOING TO KILL THAT BASTARD" Sehun shouts making me jump at his loud deep voice. "Look boss leave Kai to me, I will sort him out" Minseok stands up leaving the office as Lay gets up and walks closer to me. "Come on baby lets go home there is nothing we can do now" I stand up and take his hand as we leave the office. 

Sehun's POV

I watch them all leave as I fall down into my chair laying my head on the table. "Boss is there anything I can get for you?" I can hear Taemin's soft voice as I look up at him standing  just inside the door. "No Taemin I'm ok thank you, I'm just gonna head home for the rest of the afternoon". I grab my things and leave my office and jump into the new car that I ordered that arrived earlier. Climbing into it I smile and look at the passenger seat wishing Luhan was beside me  since I changed the car so I could hold his hand as I drove. I pull out into traffic and head in the direction to my home. I pass by a street I know too well and drive down it before turning  into the drive way. I get out and head up the drive before reaching the door it opens. "Hey baby how was work?" I see Kai standing right in front of me making my blood boil. "See you, you bastard, how dare you approach Luhan like that and tell him to end it with me". I grab the front of his top and push him into his hallway sending him falling to the floor. 

"Ha ha , oh baby I like it when your feisty" he says getting up from the floor making me more annoyed. "You stay the hell away from my man and also my company and this is your final warning Kai". I go to leave as I feel his arms around my waist pulling me closer. Turning in his arms I reach up and punch him across the face sending him to the side. "I mean it Kai stay the hell away from him and me " I walk down the driveway as he shouts back at me. "Why, what are you going to do about it?". I turn quickly on my heels and head back to him. "You forget we dated, so I know all the money you took on your fathers company and how you fucked up his biggest deal making him loose one of his biggest clients, so if I was you I would back the fuck away from me and Luhan or I will make your world come crumbling down around you". I walk off as he stops me by grabbing my wrist. "Don't I get a goodbye kiss first baby?" I look into his eyes seeing the Kai I use to love. "No but you can have this" I reach my hand up and punch him sending his face to the side as he grabs it. "I meant what I said Kai". I hurry back to my car putting it into drive as I try call Luhan's phone but of course its off. 

I pull up to my house feeling so heartbroken that he just left the way he did. I can't blame him though, he had got doubts in the beginning about our relationship but I just want to talk it out with him instead of him running away. Opening my door, I head inside slipping off my shoes as I turn on some sad music and getting changed into the pair of tracksuit bottoms I wore the first night me and Luhan had dinner in Paris when he arrived late. The thought of that night made me smile remembering how beautiful he was. I grab a bottle of wine and head out into the balcony seeing the fire lit and a beautiful sight.

"Luhan" I walk slowly over seeing luhan wearing a pair of my white tracksuit bottoms and a white t-shirt of mine all snuggled with his legs up close to his chest on the sofa. "Baby I thought your where going to Ireland?" I stand near him as he looks up at me with bloodshot eyes. "I cancelled it". I sit beside him setting the bottle on the table. "How did you get in and are you ok?" I want to hug him but I don't want to push him. "I came over earlier and Yuta let me in after I told him who I was", he smiles as he hugs his legs. "Baby I really thought you were gone" I just keep looking at him as he leans his head sideways looking at me. "I didn't really want to go, I wanted to be with you" he wipes a tear that has fallen from his eyes. 

"Come here baby" I hold out my arms as I move closer as he snuggles into my naked chest. "I'm glad your didn't go baby, if I had to get on a flight to Ireland I would have". I kiss the top of his head as I feel him shake. "why didn't you then?" he whispers as I move to look at him. "There wasn't one available since your flight, plus the jet wouldn't have made it to Ireland" I reach up and wipe his tears again. "What are we going to do now?" he sniffs moving back from me.

"I would still like us to date" I reach up and push his hair back from his eyes as he leans into my touch. "How can we, he will tell on us and I ca........" I hush him my placing my lips on his swollen ones kissing him softly. "I have sorted Kai out, we wont hear from him again" I watch as he looks down at his hands. "What about us dating wont you loose your job along with me?" he whispers afraid to look up at me.

"Baby look up at me please" he lifts his head up as I cup his cheeks in my hands. "I have already told my dad about us, he just wants me to be happy and he approves of us" he lets out a little sob before hugging me making me laugh a little. "When did you tell him?" he sniffs as I feel the wetness from his tears against my chest. "I had just finished the phone call with him when Lay came in and attacked me" he moves to look at me in shock. "Lay attacked you?" "Yeah he was just looking out for you I guess". It stays quiet for a bit as we both just sit there looking into the fire. "Luhan, do you still want to date me?" I sit forward on the edge of the chair resting my elbows on my thighs with my head resting on my hands.

I feel his gentle touch against my shoulder making me look over it at him with no expression. "Of course I do, I don't want to run away from the best thing that has ever happened to me, and your right, I won't care what people think" I turn so I can face him as I lean closer to his lips. "I'm so happy to hear that baby", he leans closer to me and kisses me softly. "We better ring the others and let them know your actually here and not in Ireland". I peck his lips as he wraps his arms around my shoulders "Lets just enjoy the moment first" he lays me back sitting across my lap. "Oh and what do you have in mind then?" I ask as he bites his bottom lip "Dim" he says as the lights dim "Oh make up sex" I laugh making him giggle. "Well you said it was the best kind" he giggles as I lay him down tickling him before we make love.

❤️C ❤️





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