Chapter 4

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Sehun wakes up and stretches out as his eye catches the beauty walking back down the aisle, jumping up he quickly walks towards the bathroom

As he waits outside the door till the person inside comes out he watches Luhan get the breakfast things ready, with no body else around he takes his chances and grabs luhan by the arm and pulls him out of sight

"Sir .... I mean Sehun" Luhan blushes with his back against the wall

"Morning, did you get to sleep ok" Sehuns says while looking deep into luhans eyes

"I....I...Did Yes thank you, did you? He stutters back while still blushing

"I did yes I think I may have done something that made me totally relax lastnight" he smiles a cheeky smile making luhan blush more then ever before

"Sir... I ... I need to go" luhan places his arms on Sehuns arms trying to move him away while giggling

"Luhan wait I need to make sure your ok, I don't usually do that sort of thing and run off, I need to know are you hurting, did I hurt you?" Sehun places his hand on luhans cheek waiting for a reply

"I was hurting yes but it has nearly faded so please don't worry about me sir" luhan bows his head to try and stop blushing

"Let me make it up to you" Sehun smiles while lifting up luhans chin so he can Look into his eyes

"Make it up to me?" Luhan questions

" Well yes make it up to you like take you out for dinner you know like a date" Sehun smiles

"Oh" luhan says with worry

"Do you not want to" Sehun pulls away

"No no I do it's just I thought it might have been aonceoff" he mumbles the last bit

"You thought it was what?" Sehun questions

"I thought it was a once off" Luhan blushes

"No no I don't do that sort of thing but if you just want it to be a once off then that's ok" Sehun smiles as he walks away into the bathroom leaving a heart broken luhan watching the door close

'Shit shit shit' Luhan says to himself

"Luhan have you got the trays ready, we have a hungry little man down the aisle on your section" his friend says as he looks down towards the little boy Chen standing up on his mother's legs waving with a big sleepy head

"So sorry yes I just need to em put these on it" he says while putting plastic cups on the trolley

"Are you sure your ok, you haven't been the same since last night?" His friend asks as the bathroom door opens to Sehun who looks at luhan and gives him a sad smile

"Good morning" he smiles at them before walking down the aisle returning to his seat

"Oh shit, it's because you kissed him" his friends says while luhan pulls her aside

"Shhh people will hear you" luhan scoldes her

"He asked me out for dinner" luhan blushes

"And and what did you say" she starts jumping up and down like a child all excited

"I didn't really give him and answer"

"Why not, omg just go for it we are all on lay over for 2 days go have fun, look I'll be around if you need me just go for it you might never get another chance and I really want to see you happy plus I've never seen you smile like that before" she hugs Luhan and then smacks his ass

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