Chapter 21

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Luhan pov

Guiding him into my bedroom as he closes the door behind him I turn to look at him with red blood shot eyes and swollen lips like me from crying. He pulls me closer with a look of love in his eyes. "Can I kiss you?" he whispers making me lean my head to the side in confusion that he is asking me. "You don't need to ask me Sehun we are together now" I pull him closer as I stand up on my tiptoes placing a kiss on his lips.

"I respect you baby and I needed to ask after everything" he whispers and I can now see the sadness in his eyes. "Sehun we kissed outside in the other room, it is ok now you told me everything" I cup his cheeks in my hand searching his eyes for answers for why he is feeling this way.

"I had such a nice night planned for you I mean us and it was ruined" he lays his head back looking up to the ceiling letting out a sigh. "Your ruining it now by not taking me and making love to me on my bed" . I step away from him giving him space.

"Can we go back to mine and just finish where we left off, please" he looks at me with those big puppy dogs eyes like I have never seen before. "Sure I would love to" I smile at him as its like his whole body comes alive and he grabs my hand and pulls me out the door so fast I begin to laugh.

"Hey what's going on out here?" Lay shouts as he enters the sitting room half naked with Cece on his tail.

"I'm going back to Sehun, don't wait up" I shout as Sehun picks me up bridal style carrying me out the door, down the stairs and out the main door of the building to his car before putting me in the passengers side. He quickly gets in making me laugh at how excited he is as he starts the car.

"Buckle up baby, your in for a bumpy ride" he laughs

"Sehun", I burst out laughing lightly hitting his arm as he grabs my hand and places it on his lap while he changes the gears of the car.

" I swear to god, tomorrow I am getting an automatic car so I can hold your hand while I drive" he smiles at me while looking back out at the road ahead.
There is no traffic and it feels like he is speeding when I see from the dial on the dash board that he isn't.

I decide to cheer him up a bit, especially after what happened earlier and how it really affected him. I begin to rub my hand up and down his thigh slowly making him turn to look at me. "You trying to tease me baby?" he says while quickly looking at me.

"Yeah and I'm failing miserably" I go to pull my hand away as he grabs it and holds it tight. I decide to move closer and kiss his neck making him groan out as I feel my pants get tighter from the sound he is making.

"Oh baby, wait till I get you home" he growls out as I kiss along his jawline. I have no idea what I am doing but I have seen it in movies where girls would tease their men while they drived and it seems to be working.

"We're home" he parks the car and gets out hurrying around to my side opening the door and holding out his hand to help me out. Next thing I know he has me up in his arms bridal style again. "You don't need to carry me" I giggle as he looks at me "Baby you have no shoes on, running outside in your stocking feet was not a good idea and I don't want you catching a cold" he kisses my cheek quickly as we finally make it inside.

Kicking the door closed behind with his foot I can hear the music still playing in the background. He must have just left everything and came to find me.

"Would you like the champagne?" he puts me down on the big sofa on the balcony close to the fire as he wraps a blanket around me. I pull my legs up to my chest and snuggle into the blanket "Yes please" I smile up at him as he leans down to me, pushes my hair back and kisses my lips making me blush. It feels like I am in some sort of fan fiction  story, with the way he treats me. I watch him walk back inside as I sit back into the chair looking into the fire trying to make out shapes in the flames.

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