Chapter 03.

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"What do you mean your first kiss?, Luhan are you ok?

As the flight attendant moved her friend to a chair to sit down she quickly gets a drink of water and hands it to him

"Here drink this" she says while handing him the plastic glass

"I....I'm not thirsty, I'm ok stop worrying, I was just in shock that he kissed me

"Who kiss you luhan?" As she looks at her friend with a shocked look on her face

"Wait.....are you telling me the hot guy from your section kissed you?" She starts to get really excited and shakes luhan more to get his attention

"Yeah he kissed me and I kiss him back I...I can't believe I did that, shit I will lose my job now" luhan grabs his hair in his hands

"Shhh you won't nobody saw anything and I won't tell anyone, so keep your voice down" she looks around to make sure nobody is near

"I can't believe it" luhan starts to smile while touching his lips as his friends starts to laugh

"Oh you lucky bastard" his friend laughs out hugging him

"I am so embrassed I just had my first kiss with a total stranger"

"Luhan it could be the first of many, he is hot" she smiles while sneaking a look down towards the seated CEO

"Stop looking down towards him will you" Luhan jumps up pulling his friend back to hide behind the partion wall as they both giggle like school kids having a crush on the hot guy

Ding Dong

"Oh shit who pressed the button?" they both freeze and look at each other

"Tell me it wasn't him? Luhan asks

"I don't know let me check" as she moves to look down the aisle she sees it's Sehuns light that is flashing

"Oh shit it's him " she laughs at the face Luhan is pulling

"Maybe he wants more" she laugh as luhan just gives her a death glare

"Luhan you need to go and check to see if he is ok" she smiles at him while pulling his arm to get him moving

" I can't go now after kissing him" luhan whispers

"Yes you can" as she fixes his hair and checks him from head to toe

"Ok your good, now go use that cute smile of yours" she says while giving him a little push

"What could he want it's late, everyone well almost everyone is asleep" luhan says so nervously

"Well I'm not physic so I can't read minds now go get your ass down there" she pushes him again as he walks slowly down the aisle

"Is everything ok sir?" luhan says with a big smile but deep down his legs are trembling as he reaches to turn off the over head light

" Yes eh I... I'm sorry I kissed you I just got carried away in the moment" Sehuns whispers while looking up at a blushing Luhan

"It's ok sir, I kinda got carried away too" he replies as he can feel the butterflies in his stomach flutter, looking down at the most handsome man he has ever seen who has walked on this planet, oh how he wishes he could kiss him again

"My Name is Sehun please dont call me sir" he smiles a big smile making luhan blush

"Well nice to meet you sir .... I mean Sehun" he blushes more as they shake hands with them both pulling back from the electric charge going through their touch

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