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HwallRic short where they're both strangers at an airport and have a surprising bonding moment that just may evoke strong feelings for each other. But which feelings will they be?

The moves were astounding. I made a mental note to come back to the video when I was all settled in my new home in a new country. I planned to study in America for a year or two to hone my English and learn more about what the western music industry demands.

I briefly looked around and noticed a guy sitting next to me. When he got there, I didn't know. However, he had expensive AirPods in his ears, telling me that he wasn't in the mood to make conversation. Luckily for both of us, neither was I.

I started to wonder what he did for a living to be able to afford AirPods. They certainly weren't cheap. I decided to mind my own business and go back to observing and absorbing information from the fancam. I eventually felt a tap on my arm then noticed he was gesturing somewhere

I looked up and saw that my flight was being delayed for a half hour. I frowned then wondered how he knew which flight I was taking. I paused the video then took my AirPods out. I tapped his arm and soon had his attention. "Excuse me..."

I had spoken in English as I wasn't sure if he understood Korean. "I speak Korean, so don't worry." I assumed he could tell from my accent. "How did you know what flight I was taking?" He pointed to my lap and I saw I had my ticket poking out of my passport. "Oh."

"It didn't take a genius to figure out which. You also seemed pretty spaced, so I figured you hadn't heard the announcement." He seemed like a mischievous individual. Those are the kind that cause the annoying, weed like trouble. Meaning, they always come back.

The lights in the airport started to flicker slightly. The sky was now dark and distant thunder could be heard. When did it get so gloomy? "Funny how fast the weather changes." He seemed surprised by the turn of events as well. The intercom came on and delivered bad news.

"Due to the incoming weather, all flights for today are canceled. Please, stay safe. We will happily reschedule with you all or give a full refund. Thank you." I groaned as I was now going to miss out on the events I planned to join in once I arrived.

"Well, no reason to stay here." Lightning struck and caused the lights to momentarily turn off. "Yeah..." I quickly gathered my things then stopped as all the lights went off. Everyone had started murmuring and others called out to others.

"Hey." I felt something touch my arm and I hit it out of instinct. "First, ouch. Second, it's good that you're still nearby." "What's your name...?" "Youngjae." "That new and upcoming rapper?" "The one and only. I already know who you are."

I soon found myself holding onto his arm as we sat in the dark. The sound of glass shattering was heard and caused an uproar. "We should leave." "That would be lovely, but what if on our way there we encounter problems? It's bad enough we can't see."

He was right. People around us started to panic and a few people accidentally hit my head with their bags. "It's going to get worse from here..." "Yeah..." The sound of more glass shattering filled our ears and screaming now ensued. "We're gonna die!" "My dogs!"

I couldn't stand the unrest. I felt Youngjae's grip tighten on me and I didn't know what to make of it. Was he telling me to sit still or was he becoming scared himself? "Hyunjoon, I'm glad to finally got to meet you, but I wish it was under better circumstances..."

The temperature had significantly dropped as the cold autumn air blew around us. I felt as if I was in a movie, but it wasn't. It was real life. I found myself holding onto Youngjae tighter, hoping that I was just dreaming all of it. "You're kind of hurting me." "Oh..."

I loosened my grip on his hand then sighed. I wondered how much longer it would go on. The wind soon became violent and shards of glass had slowly started to move. Overhead fans and lights started swinging around and becoming loose to the point they could fall.

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