Player Gu (HyunHee)

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I sat quietly in my seat as Hyungu leaned against my desk and talked to girls who surrounded him. They were like hungry vultures looking for their next meal, unknowing of their own approaching doom. He's dated plenty of girls left and right in the past, but suddenly stopped and started dating one every four months or so. I was grateful for two reasons. One was that he'd stop tossing girls away like old toys. Two was that I was able to calm my pained heart by projecting myself as the girl he was currently dating. It wasn't easy if he was constantly changing girls.

"Keon." a voice called out, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I replied as I looked up at Hyungu.

"Let's get lunch together, yeah?" he asked.

"Can't. Already promised Yonghoon." I answered. I only briefly caught the change of expression in his face before he put back on his smile. "Why? You never wanted to have lunch with me before."

"I want to catch up on your life." he said before turning his attention to the two girls who walked in.

I quietly scoffed before pushing him off my desk. I didn't like it when he blatantly flirted with them in my presence. I didn't ask to have these feelings for my friend, yet here they were.


I walked out of class then felt someone bump me.

"'Sup Keon? Heading to lunch?" Yonghoon asked as he handed me my favorite snacks. "Heard you were feeling down, so I got you these."

"Thanks." I said happily before putting them away. "You always seem to know how to brighten my mood."

He smiled warmly and silently stared at me while we walked to the cafeteria. I didn't notice until he almost ran into someone.

"Be careful, okay?" I said softly as we entered the cafeteria.

After grabbing our lunch, we sat down and began to eat. It was great as usual. I started to look around then stopped. I always did this, searching for Hyungu. I told myself I'd no longer do it. It's been six years since we became friends and a year since I became aware of my feelings. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the gentle touch of someone's hand.

"Is something wrong? Should we eat outside?" Yonghoon said as he looked at me with concern.

"I'm fine. I'm just thinking about how fun it'd be to date, you know?." I said then assured him I was joking.

"Well, I say let's go out anyway. Trust me, you'll feel better." said Yonghoon before pulling me out of my seat and towards the door.

We sat outside as we shared one of my snacks. I looked at Yonghoon who was staring intently at me.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"I think I could hook you up with someone. Would you like to meet up with them?" Yonghoon asked cheerily.

"Ah, you don't have to... I don't think you can find anyone who I'd like." I said with nervous laughter.

He didn't say anything else as we munched on snacks.


I closed my notebook and started to pack up with the rest of the class. I looked to my side and saw Hyungu packing up as well. Girls soon flocked over to him from both inside and outside the classroom. I frowned heavily and started packing up quicker. I felt eyes on me as I started to walk out the room.

"Keon!" I heard Hyungu shout as half of my body was out the door.

I moved back slightly so I could get a better look. The girls were looking at me as well. Their expression were either spiteful or neutral. I quietly sighed then left the room. I was tired of seeing a crowd around him. I needed to bury these feelings deep. I took out my phone as I quickly walked away from the classroom.

"Yong? Do you think I could meet up with your friend today?" I asked then looked back to see if he was following me. He was along with his gaggle of girls. "Do you mind meeting me at that place?"

I hung up then looked back again. Hyungu was gaining on me. I picked up my pace and was relieved to see Yonghoon standing by the gate of the school. I ran over to him then smiled widely.

"Ready?" asked Yonghoon.

"Yeah-" I said then felt something seize my wrist. I looked and saw Hyungu holding my wrist. "Hyungu..."

"Where are you going?" asked Hyungu as he pulled me away from Yonghoon.

"Does it matter? Go back to those girls who just want you so they can brag." I said harshly despite not wanting to be mean to him.

"Just tell me, Keon. We tell each other most things, why not this?" reasoned Hyungu as I pulled his hand off of me. "Keon..."

"Let's go, Yong." I mumbled as I gave Hyungu a glare before turning to leave.

I felt my arm being grabbed and myself being pulled back. Hyungu's grip was tighter than before and it spooked me slightly. He was never rough with me. I looked at him then felt a small pit in my stomach. His eyes held such intensity that I started to fear him. What did I do wrong?

"Hyungu..." I weakly spat out.

"If you walk away from me, it's over." Hyungu said lowly so only I could hear. "I'm serious, Keon."

"What's over? Our friendship? Just because I'm going to hang out with Yonghoon? Don't be-" I said then had my other arm seized.

"It's for that exact reason. I don't want you near him." he said with a sad look. Why was he sad that I was hanging out with a friend? "So, what'll it be...?"

I looked around as we had drawn quite a crowd. I looked back at Yonghoon who seemed anxious. I switched his hold to my hands and had him follow me off school grounds and to a more secluded area.

I dragged him to a playground and was relieved to see only a few people there. I let go of his hands then sighed.

"Why did it matter where I went with Yong? Why was there a choice of whether I stayed or left? What do you want from me Gu!?" I asked as I searched his face while shaking him.

"I want you to love me..." he said before prying my hands off.

I started to laugh. Did I mishear? No, I hadn't. He was joking with me. My emotions started to turn into a mixture of laughter and tears. Why did he always joke like this? Why did I have to fall for him? He wiped my face with his sleeve then patted my back.

"It makes me so upset seeing you smiling and laughing with Yonghoon. You've stopped doing that around me... I miss your smile, your laugh, the way your nose crinkles when you try not to laugh or smile." he said then made me look at him. "I love you, Keon."

I remained silent as he kept a straight face. I was certain he didn't mean it the way I hoped. The way he loved me was the same as him loving his favorite video game. He loved and missed his friend.

"Stop joking around... We're both straight." I said softly before being surprised by his sudden kiss.

I stood there motionless as my mind tried to process what was going on. My arms snaked themselves around his waist as my body had taken over as my mind was too fried to comprehend. I felt myself starting to cry again as it didn't seem real, that after this I'd wake up. Hyungu pulled away then wiped my tears again.

"I really do love you..." he said as he intertwined our fingers. "Date me, Keon."

"You're just going to toss me away like your many ex girlfriends..." I replied. "I haven't even told you my feelings yet either."

"Well, do you feel the same...?" asked Hyungu quietly.

I nodded then tried not to smile when he did.

"I promise I won't do that to you. If I do, you can chop off my dick." he said with determined eyes.

"That's a bit extreme..." I said and found myself chuckling at the thought of it. "I'll keep it in my back pocket."

I broke into a wide grin then met him halfway as we started to kiss again.

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