"And I'm really sorry about that," Jessica interjects, resting her hand on my shoulder. If I didn't know better, I would say her sympathy was genuine. "I know what it's like to lose someone you love. It's... devastating."

I step back and watch her hand fall to her side, unable to deal with her any longer. She's been creepily gawking at me for months, and now she wants to corner me in the bathroom and talk about Ada?

Not okay. I'm putting an end to it.

"What do you know about loss, huh? You have the entire school wrapped around your pinky finger. You walk on fucking water. I bet Evan—who, by the way, is a huge asshole—breaking up with you is the worst thing that's ever happened to you in your entire life."

I watch as Jessica's perfect face contorts into a vicious scowl. I half-expect her to claw my eyes out with her ruby red acrylics.

"You know what, Layla? Screw you," she sneers. "Yeah, you're smart, but don't assume that you know me."

She bumps my shoulder as she sashays out of the washroom. I exhale in relief. Queen Bitch is finally gone.


"Slow down, mi amor. What happened?"

"She followed me into the girl's room, asked about my necklace, and the proceeded to question me about my dead best friend. When I called her out, she stormed off."

"Well, maybe she wasn't trying to start trouble," Jose suggests, offering me a bite of his ice cream sandwich. When I shake my head, he continues, "It's definitely weird that she followed you into the bathroom, but there's also a chance that she, like, had to pee."

"She never even went into a stall. She came in there for me." I realize I sound paranoid, but I'm still so frustrated. Jessica's sudden, unexplained interest in me—and Ada, too, apparently—is driving me bonkers.

"Come here, Fifty-One." He cups the back of my neck and places a gentle kiss on my lips. "Stop worrying about her, alright?"

"I'll try," I respond, knowing full well that I won't be able to think about anything else. "Perhaps you could help distract me?"

"Ma's working late at the hospital tonight. Come over after school? We could give into our more... carnal desires."

"Sounds like the perfect diversion."

"What's the perfect diversion?" Damian's Herculean silhouette materializes in front of us.

"Jessica Jermain is stalking Layla, so I'm gonna help take her mind off of it," Jose says with a wink. He decided a while ago that he doesn't care what Damian thinks of him, which I agreed was for the best.

"Wait, what?" Damian's blue eyes bulge out of his head. "Jessica's stalking you?"

"No, not exactly. I've caught her staring at me a bunch of times, and she confronted me in the bathroom today," I elaborate.

"Well, what did she say?" he inquires. Now that his beloved is involved, his interest is piqued.

"She asked about Ada, of all people," I tell him, "and then she offered her condolences. 'I know what it's like to lose someone you love,' she said. So fake."

"And what did you say in return?" He shoots me a curious look.

"I... wasn't the nicest."

"Oh, yeah?"

"It's within the realm of possibility that I told her being broken up with was the greatest loss she's ever endured in her fairytale life," I mumble, scooting closer to Jose, who seems almost as astonished as Damian.

"Are you serious?" Damian glares at me. If his eyes were daggers, I'd be dead. "Not cool, Layla."

"Okay, maybe I was harsh, but she and Evan and all of their friends have treated us like dirt since we were little kids," I retaliate, uninterested in listening to him defend Princess Jessica once again.

"Let's all, uh, simmer down a bit," Jose voices. His discomfort is tangible.

"Why would you sink to their level?" Damian asks me, ignoring him. "Why did you have to act like such a bitch?"

The slur stings, but I'm not nearly as bothered as Jose, who is already on his feet and grabbing Damian by the lapel.

"Jose, please stop," I beg him.

"Don't call her that ever again," Jose growls, shoving Damian with enough force that he stumbles.

I take Jose by the hand and drag him out of the cafeteria.

"I'm sorry, mi amor," he begins. "I shouldn't have done that, I know, but when I heard him call you a bitch, I just snapped. I was so angry. Please don't be upset." He stares at me with chocolate brown puppy-dog eyes, silently pleading with me to forgive him.

Honestly, how can I stay mad?

"Don't worry about it," I assure him. "No more pushing my best friend, though, okay?"

"God, I love you." He snakes his arms around my waist and presses his lips to mine.

"Leave room for the holy ghost, children," a shrill, horribly familiar voice commands.

I pull away from Jose and glare at my former calculus teacher. "But, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, I thought you didn't believe in ghosts?"

Her smirk fades. "Come with me, Layla," she snaps, pointing to her classroom.

I roll my eyes. "See you later, babe," I say, squeezing my boyfriend's hand before following Mrs Fitzpatrick.

Four Walls (Book One) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now