4. The lonely spiritmal

Start from the beginning

Goodness, that Darkrancurel was fast! I watched as it managed to dodge every one of the sharp stars from the other spiritmal's swift attacks, deflecting the tackle and scratch easily with a protect and giving the bird a nasty bite.

The unknown spiritmal cried out in pain. Making me want to just rush into the battle and scoop it up. However, I refrained myself from doing so and continued hiding behind the fountain, watching the battle between the two.

I felt sick as I saw the bird got bitten once more. It wasn't just an ordinary bite attack, it was a poison fang; and I knew that a poison fang could be deadly if the poison wasn't treated properly. It's shrieks of pain seemed to prick into me and I wondered how his trainer remained calm. I, myself, was on the verge of freaking out.

The bird struggled as it tried to land one last attack on the Darkrancruel, to fail once more and get another bite on its wing.

"I guess the battle's over." The trainer with the Darkrancruel looked down at the bird, pausing for a while. "You might want to get your spiritmal to a healing center."

With that, the Darkrancruel and it's trainer walked away. Leaving the bird and it's own cruel trainer behind.

I watched as his trainer shook his head at the bird in disappointment, pulling out a device from his pocket.

"I don't need you anymore you weakling." He spat at the spiritmal as the machinery pointed a beam of light at the bird, releasing it from his care.

"Good day."

I waited till he was out of sight before running towards the hurt creature, picking it up gently.

"Let's get you to a healer." I spoke softly to it, hoping not to startle it too much. Running in the direction of a healing center, I only had one thing on my mind. I had to get this bird to a healer.

"Is this your spiritmal?" The healer asked as I placed the little bird on the examination table.

"No. Actually, it belongs to no one." I replied as the healer started analyzing the spiritmal's condition.

"No one?" She asked, pulling out a stethoscope from her bag.

"It got abandoned by its previous trainer." Sitting down on a nearby chair, I continued watching the healer do her magic.

"Oh... again?"

"What do you mean again?" I blinked as the healer started wrapping up the spiritmal's wounded wing.

"Oh... you see, this Spiritmal here is a Glowstaride, a relatively unknown species that had been recently discovered. Not much is known about them. However, I do know that this particular one appears to do quite badly in battles and races. In fact, I've tried to find it a trainer at least ten times. Each time, the trainer would either abandon it to be brought back by someone else, or return it back here. This little one has been through lots...

Also, it is too young to be able to properly take care of itself, which is a problem as it means I'll have to find someone to care for it."

"Why don't you do it, healer?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I've a busy job... I just don't have the time for the poor bird..."

Suddenly, I thought of an idea. "Why don't I take care of it? I promise I'll do a good job. Please?"

"You want to keep this spiritmal? For real?" She sighed. "Most likely it'll return back to me tomorrow morning..."

Frantically, I shook my head. "No way!" I grinned. "I've wanted a spiritmal all my life! In fact, you'll be doing me a big favor by letting me have it!"

"You don't have a spiritmal?"

I shook my head.

"No... I live in Lushwood village. We hardly have any spiritmals there. Sometimes, I feel isolated from the rest of the world."

The healer nodded her head slowly. "Tough luck. Give me a minute..." she walked out of the room only to return some time later with a device in her hand.

"You'll need this." She smiled, passing a device to me.

I gasped.

It was a spiritmal dexter. The exact device needed in the capturing of a spiritmal.

Maybe I'll update soon? I just kind of feel like writing this story at the moment. Still, don't get your hopes too high!

Yep. This is an early update cause I feel like it. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

And I'm sure that I've always stated that this book is based on Pokémon.

Spiritmal, By The Light Of A StarWhere stories live. Discover now