"I just felt so bad for him, so I kept an eye on him and when I saw him get up to use the restroom I followed him. He was just leaning against the wall trying to get away from him so I brought him into the bathroom for more privacy. I was just going to talk to him, but he kept giving me this look all day today and I couldn't stop myself from kissing him." I glanced over at her to see her looking at me with a weird expression on her face.

"So that's all you did? Kiss?" She asked knowingly.

I sighed, "No, he fingered me while I gave him a handjob and then let him come in my mouth, are you happy now?"

She burst out laughing at my sudden annoyance at her persistence and a moment later I joined in.

"Yes, I am happy, thank you Dani." She says as we calm down, "I'm a little annoyed that you kept all this from me, especially since you actually like this guy."

I don't say anything to that, mainly because I haven't said those words out loud yet.

She looks over at me and sees my face, "Oh, come on, Dani! I've known you for three years now and heard every little detail of every guy you've fucked and never have you slept with the same guy twice, never have you hooked up with someone while you were at work, and never have you spoken about a guy the way you have about Harry."

I let out a groan, "I know, I know... I've just never felt this way about anyone. I've never even had a crush on a guy in my whole life so this is all new for me. I haven't even said it out loud."

"Then say it." She responds simply.

I look over at her and see her determined gaze trained on me. I let out a small laugh but she presses, "I'm serious. Say it out loud. See if you like the way it sounds."

I shake my head while I laugh at the weird request but with a piercing look I obliged, "Fine... I, um... I like him."

"I'm sorry who do you like?" She shoots me cheeky smile.

I laugh loudly, "Harry! I like Harry!"

She doesn't say anything, but the giant smile that forms across my face is enough for her. I pull up to her apartments and watch her gather up her bags.

"If you want, I think my roommates are planning a party tomorrow night." I say as she opens the door and climbs out.

"Yeah, I might stop by."

I roll my eyes knowing full well she will not be making an appearance, "Alright, have fun watching Netflix."

"Have fun with your new boyfriend!" She calls to me as she shuts the door.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I yell out the open window as she waves me goodbye and steps into the apartment complex.


I sat on my bed trying to work on my psych essay while the music blared downstairs. I had originally planned on partying tonight but the stress from all the homework that was piled on this weekend, my work schedule hogging most of the time, and the fact that I got my period this morning kept me away. It wasn't the end of the world, my cramps weren't that bad now that I started birth control, but I definitely felt weak. I wasn't really in the mood to be around a lot of people anyways so this was fine by me.

As I was searching for a source in one of my textbooks my door flung open. I jumped a little at the sudden intrusion, thinking I locked my door, and my hand flung to my chest. It took me a second to process what had happened as I looked at the familiar curly headed boy stumble into my room.


He spins around, realizing for the first time that he wasn't alone. I don't have any makeup on, my hair is pulled back into a messy bun, and not one of the cute ones that look effortless, the ones that you half-assed and have strands flying out everywhere. I don't have my contacts in so I'm wearing thick-rimmed glasses and I'm wearing plaid pajama pants and a ratty band t-shirt. There's no time to feel self conscious, however, as he moves towards me and trips on something. I jump up and catch him before he falls to the floor.

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