Lost, Then Found : The Unexpected Journey - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Gandalf walked to the entrance of the mountain, practically demanding to see King Thror at once, but with the guards not knowing who this strange old human was, refused to let him in if he was not expected. Thorin was walking down the halls when he heard shouting, curious, he went to see what the commotion was. As he walked onto the barricades, he saw a old human wearing grey shouting at the guards to let him. "I must speak to King Thror at once!" Gandalf yelled once more. Before the guards could say anything, Thorin spoke up, "What is your name, stranger?" Gandalf recognized the young prince and smiled, "Ah, Prince Thorin. I'm Gandalf. Gandalf the Grey." he said bowing. "The wandering wizard?" Thorin asked. 

Gandalf nodded as Thorin continued to stare at the wizard. He turned to the guards and told them to let him through. Gandalf seemed rather pleased, quickly making his way inside and politely but impatiently waited for the prince. Thorin strode right up to the wizard, "What business does a wizard have with my grandfather?" he asked after gesturing the wizard to follow him as they began walking down the halls. "It's about the Arkenstone." Gandalf bluntly said in a whisper as he looked down to the dwarf. Thorins' brows lifted slightly but noticeably at his statement. "Surely you must of noticed your grandfathers odd behavior as of late?" Gandalf pressed. Thorin closed his eyes and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, slowly nodding. Gandalf continued, "I'm hoping maybe I can talk some sense into him before it is too late." Thorin stopped and turned to the wizard, "Before what's too late?"

Gandalf sucked in a breath unsure to tell him about the danger he feared that stone would bring or tell him about the dragon sickness he suspected the stone has already laid upon him. So he decided to tell both. "I fear your grandfathers' obsession with this Arkenstone will only be his own downfall but also destroy your home and possibly your people." Thorin looked away, remembering what Lord Thranduil had said to his grandfather not too long after the stone had been found. Seeing his troubled expression, Gandalf laid a gentle hand on his shoulder causing the dwarf to look back up to him. "Where is he?" he asked softly. Thorin hesitated but answered regardless, "In the treasure room, which he now spends so much time in. It's as if he lives there." Gandalf hummed as a response. "Speaking to him there is impossible. You might catch him when he leaves, when he is not surrounded by hordes of gold." Thorin suggested.

The wizard nodded but his attention was soon taken by a small voice from the end of the hall. A small dwarven girl running at full speed, "Adad!" Thorins' attention was also drawn by the voice, his troubled and saddened face quickly changing into a happy one as he crouched down with his arms wide. He steadied himself once the girl was in his arms, "Hello, Throndaerra." he greeted his daughter. "Did you miss me, Adad?" she asked, looking to her father with her big blue eyes. "Every second I'm not with you is a second too long. Of course I missed you, Uzfakuh." His eyes closed as he embraced his daughter. The girl looked around age 10, he noticed after a moment of observing the two.

Her attention was taken away from her father when she noticed an old man in grey, smiling down at them. "Who is he, Adad?" the girl asked shyly. Thorin knelt down to place her feet on the ground, meeting her eye level, "That's Gandalf th-" "Fireworks!!" The princess exclaimed, her eyes widening with excitement as she looked up to the wizard expectantly. "My reputation exceeds me." Gandalf muttered under his breath. "Is he here for fireworks?" the girl questioned excitedly. "Why don't you go and find princess Gelthel, hm?" Thorin told her. She pouted for a moment before running off back the way she came.

"Thranduil' daughter is here?" Gandalf' brows rose slightly. Thorin stood and turned to the wizard, "Yes, she is staying for the week. They are having a sleepover." Gandalf nodded and continued they're previous conversation until a dwarven guard approached causing them to pause. The guard bowed before addressing the prince, "Prince Thorin. Master Balin has requested your presence," the guard glanced to the grey wizard before adding, "alone." Thorin nodded and turned to Gandalf, "Please excuse me for a moment. Would you mind waiting here?" he asked. Gandalf simply nodded, "Of course." he bowed as Thorin walked away.

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