Chap 15: The Unsuspecting Piglet

Start from the beginning

Thor's eyes are wild as he glances over his shoulder, see's the pig tail and groans. "Odin's beard! It's like I'm surrounded by little children!"
He narrows his eyes at Kamilla, "Well, what are you waiting for? Get rid of it already!"

Kamilla grimaces, undoing the illusion quickly so that the tail disappears. Thor sighs eyeing us both carefully, before letting out a small amused grin. "Okay I guess it was kind of funny. In a very childish sort of way." He admits hesitantly, then his grin widens, "I suppose I should have seen that coming." He lets out his signature booming laugh and waggles his eyebrows, "Really, you two are practically meant for each other!"

I grimace and Kamilla turns pale as her mouth drops open.

"Shut up Thor!" We both yell at the same time. Thor smirks and cocks an eyebrow as if our similar reactions are proof that he's right. I scowl and stand up quickly, my chair scraping on the metal floor behind me.

Kamilla swats Thor playfully, "Knock it off Thor."

Irritated, I vanish from the kitchen and reappear in the bedroom to sit down on my bed.  I huff, why does he always have to rub everything in my face?! He knows I have no interest in the girl, and yet he continues to taunt me with her! Why is he so obsessed with trying to make me jealous that she likes him and not me?! I would never want a human!

I bristle as years of resentment and anger surge forth; Thor always taunts me with the fact that everyone likes him better. They always choose him and treat me like a useless afterthought. Hopelessness and self-loathing thrum with every beat of my heart. Thump, you are a lost cause. Thump, no one wants you. Thump, everyone will leave you in the end.

Why does everyone insist in hating me? My shoulders sag, who am I kidding? Even I hate myself. And I hate that I can't seem to hide my feelings from Kamilla. It's like she can see straight through me; like she's able to discern the brokenness I desperately try to hide. I shake my head, No! Don't be ridiculous, that's not possible. I am a master of charades and illusions, and an expert at keeping my true feelings concealed. I can fool Kamilla just as easily as everyone else. I refuse to waste another second worrying about her.

Unless, maybe I should steal her away from Thor, just so I can rub it in his face for once. It wouldn't be too hard to charm her away from him. I pause and grin madly, I don't have to play by his rules, I can just enchant her and make her think she loves me temporarily, she'll forget all about him! Then he'll finally know how it feels to be overlooked and rejected! I let myself savor the satisfaction of sweet revenge, imagining what it would feel like. Then I shake the thoughts away, maybe just this once, I should resist my desire for vengeance and enjoy my relationship with him. I think back to how devastated I was when he began to treat me with indifference. That was when I realized I'd lost him; when I realized that I was tired of being alone and that I desperately wanted my brother back. I rub my temples. Thor finally seems to have forgiven me for my past mistakes; can I really put that in jeopardy?

I clench my fists, No. I won't risk our fragile relationship, just to get revenge. He's all I have left, and I can't bear to lose him again. I stand up and stride into the kitchen but it's empty, so I stroll to the front of the ship, hoping they're not making out in a dark corner somewhere. I'll never understand what he sees in the women of Earth, they're dull, frail and ever so lifeless. Thankfully, Thor and Kamilla are sitting on her bed in the control room watching a movie on the same device that Thor and I were playing on yesterday.

"Have room for one more?" I ask them with a politely guarded smile.

Thor grabs Kamilla and moves her closer to him, "There's plenty of room next to the lovely Milla." He says eyeing me smugly. Kamilla goes stiff as a board when I sit next to her and I try not to get offended by her cold demeanor.
"Might I inquire what you're watching?"

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