Shes gone

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No recap this chapter


Ronnie unlocked the door walking in tossing her jacket and bag down as she locked the door behind her "El, sorry I'm late I had to stop and get more egos and food dad gave me a last minute list of things to get." She said only to be met with eerie silence.. that didn't sit well with her.

She quickly went into panic mode "Eleven??! El? Where are you?" She asked looking through all the rooms starting to really worry she stopped dead in the living room finding a box of opened files in the middle of the floor she walked over squatting down the words "brenner" and "experiments" popped out.. she picked up a picture and had a feeling it was el when she was younger.

Ronnie knew this was bad she immediately grabbed the radio her dad had left el in the cabin instead of a phone to reach him at the station, praying her dad would pick up she hit the talk button talking quickly and shakily "dad, el is g-gone. She isn't here there was a box of files on the floor opened everywhere I don't know what to do or where she could've gone."

But she was met with silence on the other end of the receiver he must not be in his office she ran a hand through her red hair dropping the one time she wanted him to be in tbe office he wasn't. She had to think and think quickly she couldn't ask any of the kids because they didn't know she was here.

She grabbed her keys and a few of the files from the pile that could help her and raced out to her car, she only had one person who she could turn to with this and knew nothing bad could possibly come of the secret getting out throwing the files in the passenger seat she started her car driving off to the one place she never thought she would be heading towards.

The Hargrove residence


She quickly parked the car in the driveway thanking god billys blue Camaro was in the drive, she ran a hand through her hair before walking up the steps quickly knocking on the door taking a hesitant step back.

She heard a few shouts before the door was ripped open and she came face to face with Billy's dad who didn't look impressed to say the least. "What do you want?" He asked glancing her over

"I have class with billy and we have a project that we need to work on so we can both pass the class." Ronnie made up straight on the spot she hoped billy would not be a dwit and go along with it as his dad gave her a suspicious look before nodding turning back inside "Billy get your ass down here! One of your whores is here to work on a project with you!" He shouted up the stairs as the music cut off and she heard billy come bounding down the stares with an unimpressed look at his dad

Ronnie waited on the porch as billy turned to see her he gave her an incredulous look before stepping out on the porch closing the door behind him "what the hell red? Why are you here?"

Ronnie sighed running her hands through her hair exasperated "my sister is gone! Okay! I don't know what to do! She like ran away or something and my dad isn't answering and I have no idea where she could've went, if you were to run away where would you go?" She rambled and asked

Billy gave her a curious look, he didn't know she had a sister he always assumed it was Dustin who was basically her brother but not. "Uh California why?" She smacked her forehead "oh my god. That's it!!! I've got it okay thanks you're the best" she said quickly reaching up kissing his cheek before rushing back off to her car leaving him standing on the porch stunned.

She quickly started the car pulling out of the driveway before taking off down the road if she knew one thing from her and billys talks, it's that he missed his


She knew, that had to be where el went.

To look for her mom.


Kinda short here but things are about to skip a bit to the big fight and the end of season 2 before I kick into season 3

~ Issues. ~ Billy Hargrove x OC (DISCONTINUED) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें