The deal.

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A/N here's another update I will most likely update every Monday seeing as it's my only free day off but hope you enjoy this chapter, leave feedback if you want!


Billy was smoking a cigarette, waiting impatiently for Max to show up. "I swear to god if she doesn't fucking show up soon, I'm ditching her and she can walk her ass to the arcade and back home," he muttered to himself.

Veronica walked out of the school slinging her bag over her shoulder digging out her keys as she walked over to her precious GTO she had, unlocking it tossing her bag in the back standing back up and huffed noticing Dustin was nowhere in sight meaning he was late after him bitching at her for being late this morning she sighed closing the door leaning against it

Billy cocked his head to the side seeing out of the corner of his eye red hair, he knew didn't belong on Max. A small smirk made its way onto his mouth and he threw his cig on the ground and stomped on it before making his way to Veronica.

Veronica was messing with the ends of her hair getting more irritated by the minute having to wait on Dustin she was about to just leave him there she glanced up through her lashes hearing footsteps or she should say boots headed her way

"What you doing here? Waiting on that Toothless kid?" Billy asked standing in front of her. He honestly didn't know the name of the toothless kid that came with Veronica, so for once he actually wasn't trying to insult someone .

"What are you still doing here waiting on my mini me?" Veronica retorted there wasn't many red heads in Hawkins,  dropping her hair crossing her arms as she leaned against her door looking at him "toothless kid has a name, and it's Dustin."

"So you know Max? Didn't think you'd be around the brats," Billy rolled his eyes annoyed. "Right, Dustin," he added crossing his arms over his chest now looking around seeing if they were coming yet.

"No I just seen Dustin talking to her he never mentioned her tho" Veronica shrugged narrowing her eyes at him before shaking her head kicking a rock "gotta admit they can be brats I'll tell you that."

"Just ditch them. Its what I do with Max if she takes too long," Billy shrugged probably a little to nonchalantly. But it was true. If the brat was gonna take her sweet ass time he'd just leave her. Usually it pissed off his dad but not like that was new.

"Yeah well I'm about too if he doesn't hurry his ass up he can gossip with his pals some other time Ive got places to be." Veronica said shaking her head noticing Dustin and max walking over to them "you're late" she said the same time Billy had leaning off her car

"Lets go Max," Billy said not bothering to say goodbye to Veronica. He had a very irritated look on his face now. He didn't like Max hanging out with any of the kids she was around with. Right before he left he decided to asked Veronica, "You going to Matthew's party tonight?"

"Dunno that depends playboy I might if there's something to look forward too" Veronica said unlocking her car so Dustin could get in "im dropping him off at the arcade I could take her for you since I figure you've got better shit to do" she offered 

Billy thought about it for a moment. He nodded, "You take her, get her outta my way for awhile...But only if you go to that diner with me down the street from the library "

Veronica shrugged opening her car door "Dustin get in the back you know the drill girls get shotgun, you got a specific time? Or just after I drop these two off" she asked looking over at him.

"I'll just pick you up at 7. The party doesn't start till 8. It'll be easier that way," Billy told her with a smirk on his face. He glanced at Max and Dustin who looked grossed out, but he just rolled his eyes at them.

"Sounds good to me don't be late then, wouldn't want to waste my time" she getting in her car shuttting the door as she started it up.

"I won't be," Billy grinned as he backed away from her car and turned his heel and went to his car with a victorious smirk on his face.

"You really shouldn't go out with him, Ronnie," Max told Veronica with a frown on her face and looked out the window looking at her step brother.

"I know how he treats you max.." Ronnie sighed as she gripped the wheel tightly slight anger bulging up in her before turning to the side to look at the younger red headed girl "if anything, I want to help. And if that means having to deal with him and be around him atleast he wouldn't be taking it out on you anymore." She sighed

"Doesn't mean you have to offer yourself up like some lamb, Ronnie. Its not worth it. You deserve better," Max sighed heavily. "She has a point sis," Dustin agreed with a pout

"Hush you were late today after bitching at me for being late I don't want to hear your opinion right now dusty." Ronnie sighed heavily "yes but doesn't mean you should have to deal with it either, I'm not offering myself like a lamb I'm giving him a chase and a run for his money to keep his mind off torturing you and to give you some time with your friends like a normal kid should have." she said before driving off to the arcade

Max relaxed, "Alright..I'm trusting you on this, Veronica. But if he hurts you or something, tell Sheriff Hopper. Don't be quiet about it." Dustin butted in, "Or me. I'll kick his ass."

"Dustin you won't be kicking anyone's ass as long as I'm around" she said glancing at him in the review mirror "and if he hurts you max I expect you to tell me straight after it happens got it?"

"I promise," Max said before laughing when Dustin groaned dramatically at the girls. "He would really hurt you, Dustin. He's not worth it," she told her friend.

"And then I would have to kick your ass for even attempting to kick his and then kill him for touching you" Veronica said pulling up to the arcade Parking "go have fun dusty your mom said she would come pick you up, do you need a ride back max? I can come pick you up if needed."

"Maybe, I'll call your house if I need one..You'll be home right?" Max asked as she was getting out her car with Dustin.

"Yeah till about before 7 I will be" Veronica nodded as they got out "if he doesn't come to get you call me okay?"

"I will, thanks Ronnie," Max smiled as Dustin smiled, "Thanks, sis. See you later."

"You're welcome kiddo, you two stay outa trouble now especially you Dustin don't do anything stupid!" She called out before backing out of the parking lot heading back to the house wondering if she would regret agreeing to go out with the older Hargrove.

~ Issues. ~ Billy Hargrove x OC (DISCONTINUED) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant