Chapter 24

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Y/N's Pov
It'd been a couple of days since Grell left, and I hadn't heard anything from them which made me worry a little. Luckily I had Claude by my side to distract me.

"Y/N.. Darling are you alright?" I felt gloved hands run up my shoulders, and I turned to see my handsome onyx-locked demon.
"Yes I'm fine I promise." I smiled sweetly "Even better now you're here."
"I bet. C/N is asleep by the way. I thought you'd like to know. Hannah is looking after him for now. I thought you'd want to go out to see if you can find the red-head?"
My eyes widened "you'd do that for me? You don't even like Grell?"
"If you like him, then I do. Simple."
"Grell is a they, Claude. I don't think they want to be a he."
"Oh." He paused "If you like them, then I do! Simple."
I giggled at his correction, then grabbing a jacket to place over my maid's dress, as I had lately begun working, but only in small amounts. Claude followed and opened the door for me blithely.
"Such a gentleman."
"No problem malady." He laughed, taking a delicate tenure of my hand and simply strolling down the cobblestone pavement, managing to not kick any rocks on the way.

We had walked for around 20 minutes before we thought about looking for Grell in the park. We couldn't find them anywhere, maybe due to our effort levels, but it was still a captivating moment at least. But the minute we roamed long the park's path, we saw a glimpse of blooming, cherry red mane.
"Grell?" I hastily yapped, my voice breaking a little, which I heard Claude chuckle at.
"Who the devil is calling me?" I heard their laughable voice, contemplating whether to turn around.
"It's me Y/N! You dork." I laughed, seeing their emerald eyes peering back at me before launching at me with a hug, tackling me to the ground, knocking me away from Claude.
"Y/N! So much has gone off the past couple of days! I need to tell you everything!"
"Yes. Yes you must. We came to find you, after not hearing anything from you in a while I thought I'd check on you. Or Claude did anyway."
Grell looked up at Claude with a confused face, cocking their head
"You- You wanted to check on me?" Claude nodded "why though?"
"Y/N wanted to know of your likelihood. Therefore I do."
"That's nice of you." Grell responded with compassionate recognition, then looked at me yet again "So Y/N.. Let's find somewhere to chat. Alright?"
Grell began to drag me away, not before helping me up of course. Claude waved and laughed as I squealed. They eventually sat me down on a bench, and began to fumble and rock around erratically.
"So..." I began
"Grell. You know I'm not Sebas-chan."
"No I mean I talked to him!"
"Did he knock you out afterwards?" I chuckled softly
"No! He- He apologised for hurting me before, and offered me tea!- that's good right?!"
"Grell.. He basically asked you out oh my god!!" I giggled and bounced in joy for them, bringing them into a warm embrace "I'm so happy for you!!"
"I couldn't of even talked to him without you Y/N... So thank you.."

Omg hey guys!

I'm sorry it's been so long, and I've seen your comments. I've been quite busy because, oh my goodness, shocker, I got asked out myself! So it's not just Grell and Bassy now. I've been writing other stories in my own time and because my family is oh so nice, they decided to turn my WiFi off for over a week 🥺😒😩  so I'm sorry this is delayed. But thank you guys for reading this chapter!

Love Antonia 🥰😘

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