Chapter 2 - What's Vanilla ice cream name?

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" Mr.Raizada can you explain now? Why did you got so hyper there?" Meera asked hitting playfully his shoulder.

" I saw an vanilla ice cream there, that's why" Arnav answered, lifting his sweater to cover his face, so that he gets a good sleep.

" What? Vanilla ice cream?" Akash and Meera said at the same time.

Anjali giggled looking at Arnav's side: I'm not believing you're comparing her with an ice cream chote, what's this?

Meera: Ohh so you're talking about a girl? Did you like some of those sticky chewing gum?? I don't believe this man.. you're changing Monkey..

Arnav: You shut up.. let me sleep..

Akash and Payal were cuddling each other and watching the cute fight..


" Khush what happened? Why are you so silent?" Lav asked chirpily, she was enjoying even before reaching to the camping site..

" Nothing" Khushi simply replied, making Lavanya look at her boringly: " Why are you like this? I must make you drink someday"

" Lav dare you make Khushi drink someday" Garima replied glaring at Lavanya.

*Ring* *Ring*

Khushi looked at her phone ringing, Garima immediately looked at her: Is it Nikhil's call? (Garima gestured her to pick the call quickly)

Khushi nodded picking the call: Hi..

" Hii most beautiful woman of this world" Nikhil smiled looking at her picture on his room, he rested his head on the headboard.

Khushi didn't say anything further.

" Are you enjoying?" Nikhil asked.

" We didn't reach yet" Khushi said looking at window side.

" Hmm okay. You know why I let you go out, don't you? It's only because it's an outing for kids. And I hope you keep that in mind, enjoy, play and do what you want with the kids and your friend Lavanya. Apart from that, I want you away from others.." Nikhil said smiling.

" I know" Khushi curtly replied, trying her best to end the conversation as soon as possible.

" Good night. I love you" Nikhil said.

" Good night" Khushi replied ignoring the "I love you" part..

" Heyy this is cheating baby. I want to hear my favorite part.. say it na" Nikhil giggled hugging his pillow.

" I can't, Ma is here" Khushi said trying to avoid the topic.

Garima: Khushi say it na. I, Lavanya and your papa will close our ears. (Garima and Lav giggled)

" you too.." Khushi said in a low voice, and immediately hung up the call looking away.

" Behave like a good girl Khushi with Nikhil, you won't find a better guy for you anywhere in this world. Be grateful he loves you so much, that he doesn't
lose patience with you" Garima gave a warning look to Khushi.

" Garima enough all the time you keep reminding her all these things, everyday you fill these things in her mind. Let her enjoy now please" Shashi scolded
Garima, looking at Khushi sadly.

Khushi didn't have courage to look in his eyes now.


" Wow.." kids shouted running here and there, they were so excited to play.

Aansh was playing with his ball and unintentionally he hit Pihu...

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