An angry eel and...slime everywhere!

Beginne am Anfang

"...Holy shit!"

-A very angry looking Eel


Julian's pov~

Julian had just entered the house through the backdoor, and he was looking around ferociously.
"Where the hell is he?! I need to find him, and chop his head off! Maybe then he'll die! Maybe I'd finally be find peace!"
Julian was near tears when he thought of it. Yes, maybe he would finally find peace in this dark world. But what would he do after it? He didn't know. Living seemed already purposeless. The only thing that kept him going was the intense bloodlust for the man in O patterned suit. There was nothing else in this world worth living for. Yeah, Julian probably had depression, he knew it. Nobody else probably hadn't noticed it, he hid it well. But for now, he had a reason. He wanted to kill his target. Julian's eyes gleamed with childish joy, as he imagined how the man would die.
Suddenly he heard a sound. A very bizarre sound, that sounded like...maybe slime? Yes, that seemed like a good metaphor.
"But why the hell..." He was about to ask himself, when ridiculous amount of slime started to pour from every nook and cranny. From within the walls, under the doors, from the ceiling, it was everywhere!
Julian's eyes widened as the slime started to come towards him like a god damn river rapids.
"HOLY F*CKING F*CK! Run me RUUUUUNNN!" Julian yelled to himself, and started to run like his life was on the line.
Actually, it probably was.

"What am I going to do?! If it can go through every crack, how the hell am I supposed to hide from it?? And since it's slime, my attacks won't probably affect it...wait what does Y/n's stand do? Maybe she could help. Yeah I'm not embarrassed to ask help! Of course, if she can't do anything about it, we're f*cked. But at least I can say we tried... Now where is she?!"


Y/n's pov~
"Holy shit! What the hell is that??!! Is it a moray eel?! It looks absolutely horrifying!...disgustang!" Y/n screeched inside her mind, as her mouth hanged open. After a while she snapped her mouth shut.
In front of her was a humongous eel, and it hissed at her like a snake. It had sharp teeth and big green eyes. It seemed to glow strangely, as it moved across the floor and its wrinkly body wriggled sickeningly.
"Holy hell this is not normal. What the hell are you, a stand??" Y/n asked, and scrunched her nose in disgust.
It was not pleasant to look at.
The eel didn't answer, which Y/n wasn't surprised about.
Suddenly it lunged forward towards Y/n and opened it's mouth wide open, displaying it's teeth. Y/n took a step back and summoned her stand.
"Carnival of rust!" She yelled and punched it with all her might.
The eel let out a loud high-pitched roar, as its side started to turn into rust and it squirmed on the floor, letting out many yelps of pain. Unfortunately it didn't do enough damage to kill it.
It lifted its head up and looked at Y/n with eyes full of rage.
"Oh- oh no! It seems like I made it mad!" Y/n gulped, and looked at the very creepy looking eel. She did not like it. It lunged at Y/n again, and this time Y/n jumped back and out of the door to the corridor.
"Oh heeelll nah!" She yelled and yelped when the eel followed with a loud pissed off hissing sound behind her.
Y/n ran and ran, until she happened to open a door to a big dining hall with a big chandelier in the ceiling. She noticed a big chain coming from the chandelier and followed it with her eyes, until her eyes spotted where it was mortgaged.
"Please work!" Y/n muttered as she started to firm a plan. She turned around as the eel slithered towards her, it looked like it smirked.
"Congratshh girly, I am a sstand! The name of it ish Spitfire! Prepare yourssself!" The eel said, and hissed. Just as the fight was about to continue, a man came through the hallway.

"The target!" Y/n realized and looked at the man. Her prediction was correct, as the man's eyes were very intimidated and he was very tall. His dirty blond hair was neater now compared to the picture, but otherwise he looked exactly same with his long face and X pattern jacket.
Mister Anguille Crêpes started to walk down the stairs with a cocky smile and I looked at him intently.
"You won't stand a chance against me!" He exclaimed pompously and laughed.
"You were sent after me because I killed that annoying brat right? You should just leave, she deserved it. She was on my way, I don't give a shit if she was from a rich family! I don't care if she was four! That little shit tried to stop my business!" He yelled venom dripping from his voice.
"Oh? I was told you were a 'creepy guy', but it seems like the information was wrong. You are clearly just an asshole. And don't waste my time with talking. The only thing that comes from your mouth is shit."
This angered him greatly, as he himself attacked towards me me. But that was my plan.
I jumped backwards and grabbed the chain on the wall, and used my stand on it. The chain was cut off, and the chandelier came crashing down at full speed. Mister Crêpes's eyes widened as he looked up. The dining hall was designed the way that the incoming person had to walk under the chandelier. And with good timing...well...
Crêpes let out a shriek and just like that, the chandelier dropped down on him. Only the sound of bones crushing was heard accompanied by a pained scream.
"Well that was easy" Y/n sighed and looked as the enemy stand disappeared.


But just as Y/n was going to relax, she heard a yell come from the hallway. Y/n raised an eyebrow, and walked to the door. Julian came running towards her and ran past her to the dining hall.
"I..*huff*..encountered a stand user *huff* and my skill set doesn't really work on it, so I need help" Julian explained
"Don't kill it though, I need to be the one to kill the user"
Just as Julian said it, the slime came crashing down through the door like a tidal wave.
"I will try, but I won't risk my life for it. If you want to kill the user do it now. Do you even know where he is?"
"No. I was running away from the slime, and I didn't have the time to look."
Just as the slime was about to devour us us, it stopped dead in its tracks.
"Well well well" a sickly sweet voice came from the hallway, as loud footsteps echoed. This person clearly wanted to make himself known.
"What do we have here?" The person said, and stopped in front of the doorway.
Julian's eyes widened and anger began to seethe inside him like in a kettle.
"Brother" the man said, faking a surprise. A wide, monstrous smile spread across his face.
"I'll kill youuuu!!!" Julian yelled, unable to control his anger.

"Great, I was right. I did get dragged into it. Of course" Y/n thought, and sighed. When didn't she get dragged into other people's problems?


If you want to listen to the song that inspired the eel stand here it is!
Hope you enjoyed~

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