An angry eel and...slime everywhere!

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A/n: Fun fact, when I was looking for a picture for this chapter I realized how nightmarish eels are. Like Jeez! I'm just gonna admit that the pictures made me quite uncomfortable.


First person view~

The tracking dot on Julian's phone was slowly pulsating as we walked along the road towards the abandoned building. We stopped, and walked to an alley to look at the floorplans Julian was carrying. After all, we didn't want to cause a scene on sidewalk. I was getting very suspicious about the fact that the dot wasn't moving... Yes, veeery suspicious.
"Why isn't the dot moving?" I asked, bringing out my concern.
"A good question, but they could just be like... I don't know, taking a nap?!" Julian whisper yelled at me out of frustration.
It was obvious he was very worried about it too. He didn't want to fail his mission, which is why the assassination had to be done carefully. And that, obviously meant that we had to know what was going on.
"Yeah true, could be" I shrugged, half as a joke half as a reassurance. We couldn't do the mission when we were this anxious. It had to be done with clear mind. Although I don't know if it's possible with Julian's revenge plan. If the reason was bad enough, Julian could easily lose it. He didn't seem like a person with much self-control.

"I'll enter through the backdoor, you do whatever you want. I know my target enough to know that he prefers to be at ground levels." Julian grumbled lowly and looked at the floorplan and slowly looked up.
"Well I'm gonna come with. I'm not going to waltz in through the front door like an idiot."
"You could go through that window" Julian remarked, and pointed at the floorplans. There was a small window on the wall of the building.
"Maybe I could, depends on how big it is" I said thoughtfully and tried to deduce how big it was.
"F*ck I'm so bad at math! Oh well, I guess we'll see when we get there" I thought, and clapped my hands.
"Guess we'll see if it works when we get there, let's go?" I said and glanced at Julian.
"Yeah, sure."

We walked back to the sidewalk and continued our walk, suspiciously glancing at the direction the building was. Beside the building was an alleyway, that lead to behind the structure. Carefully glancing every nook and cranny of the alley Julian continued, and I followed behind him. As I looked around, I noticed the window I was supposed to enter from. It was coincidentally just big enough for me to fit through it. I stopped and gestured to the window.
Julian just nodded and continued along the not-so-safe-looking alleyway. I shifted my attention back to the window and looked inside. Luckily no one was in the room, and it looked relatively abandoned, which meant that I wouldn't most likely have to worry about someone barging in. I slowly and carefully placed my hands on the window frames and tried to move it. It creaked painfully, but started to slowly open. I looked inside once again, and crawled through the just big enough window. Carefully and as quietly as possible I placed my feet on the floor, and listened to any movement. I didn't hear any, but distant chatting grabbed my attention. Were those the targets? Maybe.


Third person view~ (cause I can)

Y/n slowly looked across the room, taking in everything it had. The room was pretty empty really, but it had a table with a ton of dust on it. On the table was a broken picture frame, and a really old looking possibly broken clock. Other than that the room was empty, and it looked like no one had been in there for a long time. Y/n walked to the door and slowly opened it. Because of the fact of no one entering the room, the door hinges were rusty and they whined loudly. Y/n cringed, and waited for a minute, but when no one came she continued. She stepped out of the room to a long corridor, and looked both ways. The corridor was made of rock, and was somehow very... ghostly. Y/n never had believed in ghosts, although it was fun to imagine. But after meeting Giorno and obtaining a stand, she felt like anything could be possible.
"Oh Giorno..." She whispered quietly. Y/n was already experiencing homesickness. She wanted home, and quick.
That seemed to motivate her quite a bit, as determination flashed in her eyes.
"Let's do this!" She whisper yelled, careful not to alarm anyone who might be in hearing distance. As Y/n walked, the corridor seemed to continue forever. It could be because of the tension in the air, who knows. Y/n didn't even know how many doors she opened, but it was many. And after way too long, a door loomed at the end. It was somehow really intimidating with it's intricate details. Y/n flinched a little, but placed her hand on the door handle, slowly opening it. But what was on the other side of the door...?

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