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Warning for the future chapters! :

• Contain dark themes.

• Slight AU

• Error grammars in some parts [most of the chapters are unedited & not being revised throughly]

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"It all started with jealousy."

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Fluttering her eyes open and blinked for a few times, Himeri realized that she was in her own room; in her bed. Pushing her weak body to stand up properly beside the big bed, her long dark hair fell over her shoulders.

It was impossible to look that beautiful just after you woke up after a few days of sleeping ㅡ no bed hair nor saliva that would escape her mouth.

 Her gaze went to the outside world of the windows near her as she noticed that the sky outside was completely engulfed in darkness.

Looking away, a small smile graced her face with a thought to to see her brothers playing with each other happily.

Once she was outside of her room after checking her attire and appearance, she looked down the hallways to see there was no one around; it was totally quiet that she could even hear the sound of trees being swayed by the wind.

 ‘Are they playing outside?’  Himeri thought quietly as she slowly walked down the stairs slowly, trying not to tumble down .  

The hunger that she currently felt harshly claw her throat, but she quickly pushed it aside because her brothers safety was her main priority for now.

“Shu? Reiji?"  She called out for the brothers, but there was no reply.  "Ayato? Laito? Kanato?"

Every place she went was empty from the brothers' present.  The silence was slowly killing her and fear gripped onto her unbeaten heart.

Himeri’s eyes narrowed as she thought of what Cordelia and others would have done to them. She increased her steps as she was making her way outside the mansion calling the brothers’ name once again.


A quiet voice interrupted her train of thought as she quickly turned around and looked down at the one who called her ㅡ Shu.

As soon as she realized it was him, she quickly pulled him into her chest and held him tightly. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. She almost shed tears but quickly held them back in order to look tough in front of him.

“You have awaken, Nee-chan.” Himeri pushed Shu to arm’s length so she could look at him better. Giving him a nod as a reply and a big smile, her hand patted Shu's head as Shu smiled back happily.

Himeri’s body was weak and fragile, because of that she often fell asleep for a long time; usually around two or three days but, she, herself didn’t even know how long she would be sleeping next time.

I must have been sleep for a few days because he looks like he hasn’t seen me in a long time.’  She thought.

A faint frown replaced the boy's smile, and Himeri quickly noticed this.

“What’s wrong, Shu?”  Himeri asked softly as she continued to pat the boy’s head gently.

“The dog…”  Shu trailed off, clenching his hands that were on his side.

Tilting her head, she caressed the boy's head as a comfort to his current anxiety.  “You have...  a dog?” Himeri flinched at her own question.

Her deep slumber took away her precious time with all of these brothers.  She wished to have a healthy body with so much energy inside to be able to wake up for many days.  She didn't want to miss the opportunity in being with these boys.

“The dog that Edgar gave to me, it was taken away…”  Shu clenched his small hands so hard that Himeri thought they would bleed.

Seeing this, Himeri stretched her hands out and pulled Shu into her chest once again.  She didn't know what had happened while she was gone, but she tried her best to give affection and comfort to those who needed it.

“It’s okay…”  Himeri whispered quietly, hoping that his anger would go away.  “We will go see the other animals around here and we will take one secretly, okay?”  After saying those promising words, Himeri pushed away slightly to look at the boy's face and gave him a wink.

Shu’s light blue eyes brightened as he nodded, agreeing to see the other animals with only her.  Somehow Shu seemed happier because he could spend time with her and share their own secrets.   Just the thought of it left a happy feeling in his heart.

Just the two of us.’  Shu thought to himself quietly.

Without the both of them knowing, five pairs of eyes were watching them from a distant, feeling of jealousy emerged in their unbeaten hearts at how close the two had become.


“Ohh, you're awake already...”  A familiar voice entered Himeri’s ears.

“Of course I am, Cordelia.”  Himeri tried not to smirk as she turned to fully face the purple haired woman in front of her.

The woman in front of her was truly beaitiful, but if only that face could smile sincerely to her and the brothers.  Himeri knew that Cordelia was trying to intimidate her in every possible way, but she was not going to stand down and just follow her like a fool.

She wanted to stand on her own feet.  

“Who are you to call me by my name?!” Cordelia’s voice echoed through the big house, gaining the attention of the maids and butlers.  “Just because my husband brought you here since you were a child, you think you can just call me by my name!”

“I will do whatever I want,”  Himeri frowned slightly at Cordelia.  “I’m not a child anymore, and I can think for myself.”  Walking to Cordelia to pass her by, Hineri continued quietly,  “If you want, you could just stay away from me instead of provoking me like this.” 

With that, Himeri walked away to search for the brothers as she ignored the hard glare from Cordelia on her back.

“I swear I will kill you slowly and painfully...”  That was the vow that planted in Cordelia’s heart and mind.

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 Name : Himeri

Hair Color : Black

Her blood didn't even has a smell, but it was very delicious and alluring when you had a taste on it. (I mean to these vampire fellows).  She was found in the forest by Karlheinz.

Her body was weak and fragile.  She would go to a deep slumber for a few days or months (this depends on how much she used her energy and power).  That was the only way for her to regain back her energy.

Her history or background was still unknown as she didn't reveal it to others yet.

★  ☆  ★  ☆  ★  ☆

I'm reposting this from my account in Quotev.  If you wanted to know more, do PM me. 💕t.

★  ☆  ★  ☆  ★  ☆

I'm reposting this from my account in Quotev.  If you wanted to know more, do PM me. 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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