(Beatlettes) Shopping Sprees

Start from the beginning

Of course, Georgina was at the grocery store, where she was just scouring through all the options, and struggled to find her favorite, so she ended up buying 5 bags of scones, 4 cartons of ice-cream, 8 boxes of brownie mix and 20 chocolate mud cakes. Georgina wasn't too fazed at the $175 total upon looking at her receipt, and so she thought: "Hmm, maybe I should also get something healthier so that we can all have a celebratory feast at home tonight..." So she ran back in alongside her snacks and ended up buying 2 whole salmon, 4 packets of steaks, 6 kilograms of spinach and 3 packets of meringue slabs, all of which cost an additional $320. She thought: "Oof, this is heavy, but it's totally worth it considering how lucky we got in the last 2 days!

Meanwhile, Regina was looking around, unsure of what to buy, when she bumped into Georgina with her enormous trolley full of food. "HOLY COW GEORGINA! How did you buy this much food?!" 

"Dunno Riri," Georgina sighed. "I guess the hunger pangs got the better of me again. Besides, I also thought we should have a little celebratory feast over the lotto, right?" 

"That's true... IS THAT MUD CAKE I SMELL?!" 

"Yup, I bought 20 mud cakes plus ice cream and scones for our dessert tonight." 


"Wait, you haven't got anything yet?"

 "Nah, I just couldn't make a decision on what to buy when I found you."

 "Ah, well I'm beat, let's wait for Jo and Polly hey?"

Minutes later, they were at their car, when they saw Paulina and Johanna coming toward them; Paulina was with her huge bag of dresses and beauty products while Johanna had her huge trolley full of dog and cat cages (the kittens and puppies she got for each Beatlette). 

"HOLY COW!" Georgina and Regina exclaimed in unison. "WHAT'S WITH ALL THAT CARGO?!"

"You mean these? We'll show you when we get back ;)"

Struggling to keep in their curiosity and excitement, the Beatlettes quickly rushed home with Paulina at the wheel and the boot full to the brim.

When they all got home, they all got to the boot to unload the shopping, when they heard some meowing and barking. 

"Oh my gosh. ARE THOSE PUPPIES?! AND KITTIES??" Paulina, Georgina and Regina exclaimed in pure delight. 

"Yes, I actually got a cage of 2 puppies or kitties for us each," Johanna explained. "The best part about it was that they were on 75% off each and the lady gave me an addition puppy or kitten of each breed for free since I'm a Beatlette." The girls all screamed in pure joy and leapt up and down in hugs. "You've got the Ragdoll kitties Gigi, you've got the Beagle puppies Polly, you've got the Golden Retriever puppies Riri, and the Exotic Shorthair kitties are mine. I hope you enjoy 'em!" Each Beatlette took out each respective cage with their new pets and upon seeing their faces they fell in love instantly. 

"What the giant bundle for?" Regina asked after having put down her puppies and noticing the bundle of Paulina's shopping. 

"Oh, that's just some dresses and beauty products from the best boutiques in our region." came the reply. 

"Of course." Georgina groaned jokingly. They all laughed, but it was interrupted by the smell of mud cake and meringue. 

"Something smells... delicious..." Johanna said, trying too hard to be mysterious. 

"Oh yeah," Georgina said, blushing. " I bought a whole bunch of food so that we could have a little feast over our luck at the lotto, and Riri would be helping me with it!"

"Where did this come from... Oh yeah! Heheh, you're gonna love all the food!" Regina said sheepishly as Georgina gave her a little nudge. 

"WOOHOO!!" Johanna and Paulina cheered. "First we strike the lotto, now we get a feast!!!"

Regina prepared the savory meals, with the spinach and eggs, T-Bone steaks and crispy skin salmon, while Georgina prepared the sweets, including toasting the scones, preparing the brownies, freezing the ice creams, chilling the meringues plus mud cakes, and preparing a luscious chocolate mousse. This was happening while Johanna and Paulina were playing with their new pets. 

"Hey Juli and Minnie, come to mama!" they could hear Johanna cooing at her cats. 

"Who's a good girl Pammy? Who loves her mama Winnie?" Paulina cooed at around the same time. 

"Jo, Polly, We get that it's adorable that you girls are bonding with your pets, but you need to wash your hands before eating yeah?" Georgina and Reggie called out to them from in the kitchen. 

"YES, MAMS!" the 2 girls called out. At that, they all burst into laughter.

Soon, all the girls tucked in to the feast,  all agreeing that it was their best meal yet. "This is probably a better meal than the Embassy ball last month!" Johanna quipped. "If I could choose between a mud cake and a bombe alaska, I'd choose the mud cake any day!" 

"Why get so fancy when you can get home cooked food?" Paulina chimed in. 

"This mousse is infinitely better than the matcha croquembouche they had that day!" chirped Georgina. 

"Like, I can barely understand their palate for cooking! I like to keep flavours simple.." Regina concluded. The Beatlettes just ate and ate and ate, not at all caring about the fact that they are ballooning up in wild proportions, even Paulina who often cares about her looks, ate like crazy.

By the time they finished eating, all 4 Beatlettes have grown so big that their blubber went into their asses and breasts, much to Paulina's delight. 

"I don't think I have ever been this fat," Johanna and Regina said in unison. "But it's TOTALLY WORTH IT!!" 

"OMG, my butt looks fabulous! And good thing thicc is in ;)" Paulina chirped happily. 

So the girls spent the remainder of the night commenting on each others' looks, trying on the new dresses that Paulina bought and playing with their new pets, especially Georgina and Regina, who made up for the lost time in the kitchen. 

"Beesi! Olly! I've got some fish for you!!" Georgina called to her kittens, while Regina was busy barking and playing with her puppies Tutti and Didi.

After all their pets went to sleep, the Beatlettes sat and chatted before finally going to sleep themselves. "The last 2 days have been paradise on earth haven't they?" Johanna said alongside Georgina. 

"Yeah, I mean, with the lottery win, and our new pets, those divine dresses, and this amazing feast!" Regina quipped. 

"Hopefully we'll have more days like this!" Paulina cheered. 

"TO LUCK!" all 4 girls chorused in unison. 

And the Beatlettes went to sleep, extremely content with such an amazing day.

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