Just as I walk outside the front door, I nearly run head-on into...

"Mama-Laurel," I take a step back, my aunt looking from Quinn and then to me.

"Luna Laura...it's not your place to track and assassinate any longer," her voice holds sadness and concern, worry that she'll lose me now that my father has passed away.

It's the only thing I'm good at...

....I'm not good at leading. I'm no role model to be looked up to.

Shaking my head, I force a smile and say, "This will keep everyone safe...well before they reach into the heart of our territory."

"Why not just send the warriors? Or another tracker to go with Quinn?" Mama-Laurel asks while motioning to said warriors training off to the right side of the lodge. She reaches out to me, her hand touching my shoulder and pleads, "You are a leader, no-"

Shrugging her off, it hurts my heart, because she knew this whole time and never said a word about the truth. Its resentment that I don't wish to carry, but I can't help it. Looking her straight in the eyes, I tell her, "I don't even know who I am anymore."

"Nothing has changed!" Mama-Laurel pleads as I step around her, walking down the wooden steps while Quinn follows close behind. She calls again, drawing unwanted attention from other pack members, "It's about who raised you, not where you could have been."

Mama-Laurel is right about one thing, I very well could send anyone I please...but the rogues will be dead before they even know I'm there. I'm by no means the strongest female, but I am the quickest and my agility surpassing even the males.

"Sooooo..." Quinn's voice drawls out, her hands folded behind her head as she glances to me, "...you gonna tell me about it?"

"Nope," my response is short, because even though many want me to walk the path that's been laid out for me, if others how don't approve knew, then I might very well be banished from the pack. I can almost guarantee that wouldn't happen...

...but we prepare for the worst.

"Whatcha wanna do about the rogues?" Quinn asks while we come to a halt at the south side of the clearing to the lodge, her gaze lifting to the treetops.

I glance back to the lodge and inform her, "Take the north side and wrap around the east," I nod at the trees standing before us, "I'll work my way south and up around to the west. We'll make a full circuit and meet back at the lodge."

Quinn winks at me and replies, "Alrighty!" She turns on her heels and takes off across the opposite direction, starting on her way while I face my destination.

Moving through the forest, I can feel others from the pack spread through different areas, some not close enough to the danger that could present itself very soon. I trace through the south side, my eyes scanning the area as I narrow down the search radius. Staying downwind always, moving low and quick, I take off toward the west section.

Steering far from clearings, I see a flash of white out of the corner of my eye. Pressing off the ground and landing quietly on a tree branch, I hold steady to the trunk of the tree. My eyes home in on the small white wolf that wanders through the underbrush, poking its muzzle around as a quiet whimper comes from the back of its throat. Furrowing my brows, I watch the hybrid looking around, sampling the air, but I don't allow the wind to carry my scent anywhere near the wolf.

It's so small...

...an omega?

Have you eliminated the threat?

Silos' voice threads through my mind and it's what allows me to focus on taking out the rogue before it becomes a problem.

My hand touches the handle of the dagger at my right thigh, drawing it from its sheath. I hold it with the blade facing away from me, gripping the branch above me with my free hand. Exhaling slowly, I close my eyelids for but a moment, clarity filling me before I snap them open. Pushing off the branch and landing on the grass, I lean into my impact, taking off the second I hit the ground toward the hybrid.

One Night With The Luna |18+ - *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now