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please don't miss-understand the chapter name🗿


donghyuck ended up surprisingly pleased with his first day. he did hear a lot of whipsers and got a lot of stares but he also managed to talk to more people than he thought he would so he overall happy. with his first day over donghyuck and mingi were now on their way home. they wanted to walk instead of calling their driver to pick them up so they could explore and talk freely. that mark tuan guy was still on donghyuck's mind however. why was I so excited when I heard the name mark? I feel like I'm becoming attached to him but that doesn't make sense we didn't stay togetger all that long?
"hey hyuck what's wrong?" mingi's voice made donghyuck quickly lift his head up surprised by mingi's voice. "oh nothing" he replies with a small smile and nod but mingi only nods back unsurely.


after a lot of walking and talking they were finally home and after showering and doing his night routine mingi goes to donghyuck's room with two facial masks. as he opens donghyuck's door he is greeted by donghyuck in deep slumber. mingi figures he had gone through a lot today and smiled before kissing donghyuck's forehead and leaving


as the days went by donghyuck kept thinking about mark and how a part of him wanted to go back to the subway station while another part wanted him to ask mr. seo about what he knew.
he still felt like mr. seo was giving him clues for something but it was too hard to read.today however was a saturday which marked two weeks since he no longer has to live on an alleway's side walk. he pats his face gently before making his way downstairs to eat breakfast with everyone else. "morning" he says, mingi and his dad looked up at donghyuck with smiles before his father said, "well someone's grumpy" donghyuck just smiled a bit and sat down next to mingi who quickly started a conversation.


after eating breakfast and chit chatting with mingi donghyuck thanked the cook and walked towards the stairs reasy to go upp to his room. he doesn't make it long because ge hears his father's voice and stops in hushed tracks."hyuck want to come to the movies with me today? I'm free today, let's take advantage of that and bond a little, yeah?" donghyuck turns to face his father and nods with a small smile on his face "yeah sure that'll be great. mingi are you tagging along?" mingi looked up from his phone and shook his head "I have work to finish up sorry I'll see you later though, have fun both of you!" mingi says with a smile but he actually wasn't busy at all and was going to rot in bed the rest of the day but wanted to let the pair have some alone time and therefore refused. donghyuck nods back and goes to his room to get dressed. he decides to dress up a little bit since it was their first father-som date and decided to put on a light gray body hugging full sleeved crop top as well as a pair of black oversized straight legged jeans. he decides to also grab a black bag and white shoes before staring at his mirror. he never had the money, confidence or support to explore different styles growing up with his adoptive father so being able to wear whatever he wants still felt surreal and he didn't know when he'll get used to it. after snapping out of it donghyuck runs downstairs and sees his father checking some documents before handing them over to an unfamiliar man, he took small steps towards his father and made eye contact with him, which his father responded with by eying him up and down. "we're going to the movies and you're gonna wear that?" donghyuck quickly looked down a bit ashamed but also disappointed. "I'm sorry I'll go and change it won't take long" as donghyuck was about to run towards the stairs his father got a hold of his arm, "hyuck please don't take it the wrong way I just want you to be safe. I can't lose you" his father finished his sentence before hugging donghyuck tightly, kissing the top of his head. Donghyuck hugged back as his eyes started to get teary "thank you for caring about me d-dad" he wasn't used to calling him dad just yet but he didn't have time to think of any other word. the simple word "dad" however seemed to mean the entire world for mr.lee since he couldn't help but hug donghyuck tighter after processing donghyuck's words.


After their little moment they headed over to the car. His father didn't take his usual expensive fancy car but his normal car that he never uses. It's still kinda fancy for a normal car but it wouldn't get anyone's attention. His dad handed him a water bottle as he Donghyuck asked for water. While Donghyuck was twisting the cap the car got bumpy for a second and he spilled water all over his seat. "Oh no I'm so sorry oh god please I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I'll clean it u-"

His father looked at him with shock in his eyes. Donghyuck got scared so he quickly looked down at his lap waiting...
"Oh my god Donghyuck it isn't that big of a deal you didn't have to apologize. Oh my god don't worry you're my child and I will literally die for you I'll never hurt you!"

Donghyuck snapped out of his position and looked at his father blankly before his eyes got teary slowly turning into a crying mess, he started to remember all the times he was abused, hit even harassed for no reason. His father hugged him and patted his back. "Oh sweetheart" his dad start whispering comforting words trying to calm the boy down

After crying for 15 minutes Donghyuck finally stopped so his dad finally drove off to the theater. Since it's a Saturday a lot of people are there which also means a lot of staring Donghyuck warped his arm around his fathers a bit scared of all the looks he's getting "see angel that's why I didn't want you to wear that you look really cute though so don't care about them, honey" Donghyuck nodded slowly feelings confidant.


After the movie they decided to get dinner as well because Donghyuck said he was a bit hungry. "Um hey d-dad what is your job exactly? Not in a rude way I know it's rude to ask these types of questions but I'm just genuinely curious and I-" he could honestly be a rapper, Donghyuck's dad thought.
"Honey it's no big deal you don't have to explain everything." His father said with a smile that made Donghyuck 10 times happier than what he already was. "Well it's kind of hard to explain cuz I work with a lot of different things so there isn't an exact word for it"at first Donghyuck thought he was lying but when he backed away he saw the serious face his father had on. Wait ... mr Seo works with him...so he works as a mafia as well. But what does mark have to do with all of that?

Guess who finally updated and isn't dead mE. Fun fact I actually hate how this chapter turned out but I hope you enjoy it anyways🤪💚

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