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"I don't tell strangers my secrets" was all donghyuck said when mark asked about him and his life. he figured if he stays here he'll evetually have to open up to mark but for now, he shouldn't be an open book. "I won't hurt you, donghyuck, I just want to know" donghyuck couldn't help but melt at mark's gentleness, he never met a person so genuine and patient before. "let's get to know each other and I'll slowly open up" mark figured it wasn't an easy task to open up to a stranger and decided therefore to respect donghyuck's decision of keeping himself reserved. he smiles softly at the other before nodding.


donghyuck slowly started to let loose and stopped thinking about his father as they decide to go to a coffee shop to drink some coffee and get to slowly know each other before heading to mark's place. mark started off by talking about himself to make donghyuck more comfortable. he opened up about his own family and revealed that he got disowned for his sexuality which donghyuck also found relateable. slowly but surely donghyuck also started uncovering the truth about himself and the cause of him wanting to take his own life.


"we're here. call this place your home because you're going to stay here for a while" mark says to donghyuck with a small smile as he grabs donghyucks cheeks and softly pinches them. "you're legally an adult so I'm sure your father won't look for you too hard so stay here with me , yeah?" mark says with a warm voice as his big eyes focus on donghyuck's. donghyuck didn't know how to respond. he would be lying if he said his heart didn't skip a beat. he felt his cheeks growing red as he looks down at his feet. "I'll try?" he says unsurely not knowing how to respond to mark's words. mark could only smile with a nod before grabbing donghyuck's head and ruffling his hair. "i must be hungry, why is my heart beating faster?" donghyuck thinks to himself as he watches mark walk away.


whenever donghyuck would start menstruating he would not only bleed abnormally much but he also got unbearable cramps that made him unsure of how girls don't die of such pain. his father either didn't notice donghyuck having monthly periods or just ignored it as the topic never came up but donghyuck still tried to hide it as much as he could. on his first 3 days he can barely stand up on his own, he feels like his abdominal pain will cause his body to get sliced in half and he can barely do anything for that matter. not knowing if he'll get shamed by mark donghyuck tries to think of something fast when he feels abdonimal pain growing. he ignores all the bad thoughts running through his head and faces mark that was sitting on the couch across from him. "actually mark can I use your bathroom quickly? I promise I'll clean up afterwards" he says in a state of panic. mark quuckly nods his head nefore starting to speak "of course go ahead, this is your house as much as it's mine, got it?" he says as he smiles towards donghyuck who now stands up. mark stands up with him. "what do you want for dinner-" before he gets to continue he sees donghyuck's body collapsing to the floor as he holds onto his stomach. "hey what's wrong!" donghyuck stands on his knees as fast as he could and brushes mark off ."o-oh nothing don't worry a-about it" he says as he holds onto a couch arm trying to get up but fails miserably. he starts moaning in pain as he continues to press on hus stomach. mark quickly rushes over towards the younger and puts an arm around his waist. "take me to the bathroom please!" donghyuck says before putting his arms around mark's neck waiting to get carried bridal style. mark quickly catches on and does just that making donghyuck roll his head back in pain. he rushes and puts donghyuck in the bathtub and sees that his arm was now covered in blood. "donghyuck seriously what is happening with you?"

subway [mh. 2020]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя