Chapter Thirteen: Plans

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The Originals
3x12 Dead Angels

   Luna couldn't stop smiling. Klaus and her were holding hands and walked out of the study where Elijah, Freya, and Hayley were standing. Freya was the first to walk up to Luna and hugged her while Elijah pulled Klaus aside to talk to him. "Welcome to the family!" Freya told her. "Well, I mean you've always been apart of the family but now your-"

   Luna chuckled. "I get it Freya." The two let go of each other and Hayley walked up to Luna and hugged her.

   "Congratulations!" Hayley said with joy. She pulled away. "Let's see the ring!"

   Luna held up her left hand showing off her hand and the three girls squealed in delight. Klaus and Elijah came back out. The girls turned to them.

   "Sorry to spoil the mood, love. Camille has informed me of her location and wishes to trade her dark objects for the white oak."

   "Well then let's go get it." Luna told her fiancé.

   "I'm going alone. Besides, there's a wedding to plan isn't there?" Klaus smirked and placed a quick kiss on her cheek. He turned and left.

   "Nik might disagree but I think there is a more important thing to handle than the wedding."

   "Okay, so what's the plan?" Hayley asked, crossing her arms. "Cami's out there with the white oak and I'm not gonna lose one more person that I care about."

   "Niklaus can handle Camille. Till then, I'll keep Aya distracted." Elijah held up a stake.

   "Why don't you just kill her?" Luna questioned.

   "Much like you and Niklaus, she and I have history." Elijah started to leave.

   "You two had a thing?" Hayley asked.

   He stopped. "Aya was a towering intellect with an insatiable curiosity. Passionate, fearless, and something of an outcast. Long ago, I invited her to join a rather elite company. I determined she was perfectly tailored to bear the responsibility of an immortal life. I made her like me."

   "She was one of the first Strix." Luna put together.

   "We cared for one another deeply. Together we created a fellowship unburdened by the limitations of man. It was the pursuit of a glorious new world." He paused and looked down. "And then father, led by an unquenchable desire to slay his children Mikael descended. Accompanied by a small army, he laid to waste everything that I built. So, we had no choice but to run. 'Come with me' I told her. Aya did not. So when Tristan found her, he rescued her. She, of course, came to see him as something of a savior. And in time, beneath his corrupt guidance, they made The Strix what they are today. A hive of depraved and ignorant savages, and she's never forgiven me. Not entirely certain I have ever forgiven myself."

   It was silent for a moment then Hayley spoke up. "Well...given all that, how exactly do you plan on keeping her distracted?"

   "With a little salt and an old wound." Elijah told her and walked out.

   Luna turned to Hayley, "You look like you could use a drink."

   She smiled, "Actually I was thinking a run in the bayou."



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