Chapter Four: Deceit

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Luna woke up bound to a chair in a familiar dark room with a needle in her arm.

"Ah, you're awake."

Luna groaned and rolled her eyes, "Lucien."

"So you and Klaus go a while back, huh."

"When he finds out it's me you are holding captive he's going to kill you."

"If you won't give me answers I guess I'll have to get them myself." He said as he as he grabbed the sides of her head and entered her thoughts.

Flashback - 10th Century

A girl with beautiful black hair with mystical purple eyes sat on a black stallion horse; riding it effortlessly through the woods. Her head was held high as the horse galloped with great speed. The girl's periwinkle dress skirt were moving in the wind, making a swoosh sound. As she looked ahead of her, she could faintly make out a glimpse of light and a village. The girl realized that her father was most likely searching frantically for her. She had run away from home in fear of being killed for what she was.

After riding all night, she figured her horse was probably tired so she stopped when she got to the town and walked with her horse to someone's trough, figuring they wouldn't mind.

Luna started wandering around, staying close to the house and keeping an eye on her horse. The girl kept walking until a noise came from within the house, scaring her horse. The horse let out a startled sound and ran away, causing the girl to chase after it. But, she was no match for the speedy stallion. Soon enough, the girl was out of breath and her horse was nowhere in sight. Luna groaned and ran her hands through her black hair.

"Are you lost, love?" a male voice called, causing the girl to turn around. Before her stood the most handsome man she had ever seen. He had blonde curly hair and bright blue eyes.

"No, just hoping to rest for the day." She replied.

The man chuckled, "Oh?" He said crossing his arms.

"Yes, I've had a long journey. I assure you it's not something to laugh at." The girl put her hands on her hips defensively.

"Well, you're welcome to stay at my home." She raised an eyebrow. He chuckled. "Look, I assure you I'm not a killer." He paused. "What's your name, love?"

"It's definitely not love," replied the girl, a smirk on her lips. He waited for her to answer. "Luna, Luna Labonair."

He held out his hand, "Niklaus Mikaelson."

"Okay then, Nik, why don't you show me around." She said walking past him.

Klaus whispered to himself, "Well this should be interesting."


As they were walking through the village, Klaus spotted his brother, Elijah. He turned to Luna, "Excuse me for just a moment." She watched as Klaus and a man with long brown picked up swords and started fighting. She chuckled. After a few moments, a blonde girl and a young looking boy with brown hair came running towards the sword fighting men to watch. Luna let out a laugh as Klaus cut the other man's belt in half with his sword. Klaus led the group over to Luna. "Luna, these are a couple of my siblings. This is Rebekah, Elijah, and my youngest brother Henrik." He said gesturing to each of them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." She replied.


Klaus and Luna walked to his room after he had introduced her to the rest of his family. His walls were lined with different paintings and drawings.

"Woah." She said stunned, "Did you do all of these?"

"Yes, art happens to be one of my passions."

She started looking through a small pile of sketches. "These are...amazing." He smiled and looked over at her.


Time skip - 3 months

Luna and Rebekah came running out of the house as they heard Klaus yelling. "Mother!" He was carrying Henrik in his arms. Henrik had blood coming out of his nose and three bloody scratch lines across his chest with blood stained rips in his shirt.

Klaus sat on the ground with his arms crossed over his knees crying as Luna kneeled next to him, placing her hands on his shoulders in an attempt to comfort him.


Klaus and Luna were sitting in Klaus room on his bed. He was teaching her how to draw to distract him from Henrik's death. Luna didn't even pay attention to what he was trying to teaching her. She just let him guide her hand along the page. Luna stared at his concentrated face. She sighed before grabbing Klaus's chin and making him face her. "Why have you been spending all this time in the past couple of month with me?"

"Simple, I find you interesting. You're caring, beautiful, compassionate, strong, you're full of light. I enjoy you." He paused, "It's my dream to sail away to some place, maybe Paris if I'm lucky, and present one of my art pieces in front of millions of people." He started walking over to her. "Maybe you could come with me..."

She thought for a moment then replied, "Maybe, if i stay that long."

"What do you mean?"

"I never planned on staying here Niklaus. I've already stayed for too long."

"Why not? You told me you have no one else left to go to."

"Just drop it Klaus."

"Why can't you stay?"

"I have no one else left to go to because they would kill me if they found me!" She yelled quietly, a tear falling from her eye.

Klaus shook his head confused, "What did you do for them to want to kill you?"

"You should hate me too, it would be easier that way."

"Easier for what?"

She turned away not being able to answer him.


Sorry it took a month to update again. I've had a bunch of testing. Feel free to leave questions, I will try to respond.

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