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Aliya looked from sibling to sibling, eyeing them both with unrestricted amusement as she sat comfortably in her sleeping attire which consisted out of one of Klaus' t-shirts and a pair yoga pants - Aliya was not all that sure what Yoga is, but that's what Rebekah called them when she gave her a lesson on modern clothes. Back to the main topic, Finn is dead - and while that wasn't her source of amusement, it also wasn't one of sadness. He conspired with Esther to kill her mate - which was an unforgivable offence in her mind. But no, this wasn't where her amusement came from.

It came from the two siblings that was glaring at each other over the breakfast table.

Rebekah wanted Klaus to feel something, because for all of his sins, Finn was still their brother, but the Hybrid just seemed indifferent. Aliya, who knew her mate better than she knew herself, knows that he is saddened by his eldest brother's demise, but his stubborn side refused to show it because of Finn's betrayal.

Rebekah finally looked away from her brother and turned her head to her brother. "Aliya, would you mind helping me today?"

"With what?" Aliya asked, looking at the female blonde with interest. She always loved to learn new things - and there is so much to learn. A thousand years worth of history and development couldn't be caught up in a few days.

"There is this dance at the school. It is much like the ball that Nik held for our family reunion, but it is just for the high school students." Rebekah explained, looking at her future sister-in-law with consentration as she carefully picked her words.

Aliya's eyes gleamed with excitement as she nodded with a wide grin. "It sounds positively exciting." The werewolf gushed, missing the sour look that Klaus pulled. Rebekah supressed a laugh at the look on his face. "But you just said that it is just for the students and I'm not a student."

"No, but you can be a chaperone. It is someone that watches over the students and makes sure that they don't get to rowdy." Rebekah explained once more.

"That doesn't sounds like an awful lot of fun." Aliya pointed out, leaving the fact that she knows what a chaperone is, out.

"Well, once there, you wouldn't actually have to watch over them, you can have fun and I'll compel anyone that has something to say." Rebekah shrugged, looking at her sister with eyes full of hope once more. Aliya considered the offer for a few moments.

"Alright, I will help you." The werewolf nodded in agreement, a slow smile starting to spread on her face when a squeal of happiness left Rebekah.

When they finished eating, Aliya made her way upstairs to dress. She put on a something Rebekah called 'skinny jeans' which was really comfortable to walk in and prefered over those horrible dresses she always had to wear. She paired it with a really comfortable shirt that had a raven haired wolf printed on it.

Aliya walked out of the walk in closet that she shared with Klaus, smiling when she saw her fiance seated at the edge of the bed. Looking down at her shirt, the Hybrid smirked. "Nice shirt, my love."

"I thought so." Aliya gave him a warm grin, making his heart beat trip.

He stood up from the bed and placed his hands on her hips. She responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a deep kiss. When they pulled apart, Klaus looked at Aliya dazedly. It took him a few seconds to gather his bearings and remember that he wanted to tell her something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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