❄42) Familiar 🌻

Start from the beginning

You ran out into the pouring rain like a lunatic, your (h/c) hair getting completely soaked, as well as your uniform.

"You should join me Yuki, the rain is so fresh!!" You  whilst her wide eyes went half-lidded in a glare.

"Whooo! That's so unladylike (Y/n), what if Giyu sees you like that..?"

You snapped your neck at the bird, mid-dance as she teased you, "I will have you know, that Giyu would never..."

She nodded sarcastically looking behind you.

"..Ever! Find me like this!" You smiled proudly, until the rain above your head stopped pattering, and the smell that you dreaded clouded your nose.

"You had one order."

You gasped, trying to run away, but the man easily held you up over his shoulder as Yuki smugly watched.

"I'm so sorry! I just wanted to go outside for a little bit I swear I wouldn't have gone far!"

He placed you onto the carpet once inside and shut the door as well as the curtains, "Why are you so reckless (Y/n)?"

You looked up at his still figure whilst he sighed, "I already had a plan to take you somewhere tomorrow, could you not have waited.."

"Y-You did? Sorry, I would've stayed in had I have known.." You mumbled, eyes looking down in guilt.

He finally faced you, with your hair dripping and uniform slightly see-through to his chivalrous dismay.

His eyes gradually worked their way from your face to your chest area and you immediately ridiculed the man once you saw,

"Have some dignity you pig!" You jokingly pretended to faint whilst he looked away, taking you seriously.

"Damn, a pig?" He sounded deep in gloom whilst you sweatdropped, "A bit harsh.."

Your brow twitched whilst he turned completely away, "Giyu I was only joking you adorable fool.."

You got up and brushed past him whilst his eyes followed your movement, "Can you show me how the bath works?"

He didn't answer..

He was busy indulging in the male gaze, internally hating how his eyes naturally followed your frame beneath your damp clothes.

"Giyu?" You turned fully to him whilst he gulped, face reddening.

His eyes drifted sideways, "Sure.. Follow me."

He took the lead, the both of you leaving Yuki in the room, "You have a nice shoulder span."

You blurted that out, making the man flinch from confusion, "S-Sorry, It's just so damn awkward and quiet..!"

He sighed as you walked along the corridor and into the small bathroom.

You smiled at the sight of such a clean traditional bathtub, "It's been so long since I've seen such a luxurious item.. You must take a lot of baths right?"

The sound of water gushing into the tub filled the room as he turned the strange handle, "No, I never have the time like this.."

You frowned as he stood back up, leaving you still watching the tub fill up from below.

"Just pull the handle once it is done, there are some soaps in that cabinet.." He started to leave.

"..Wait a minute." You got up slowly, "So you never just relax a bit, even after all the hard work you do?"

You watched as he looked down, "As a pillar, I am always on the move, but now that you are in my care I am being given a two-day break for you to recover."

He looked to make eye contact, but you had already rushed to hug his back.


"Stop being so selfish, you need to look after yourself too you know.." You smiled from your memory with Tanjirou, "Trust me, a relationship where the care is mutual is the best.."

You pulled away, holding his hands as he turned to face you fully, "Join me, I'll wash your hair.."

His eyes flickered over to the tub and he leaned to you, "I'd love to, but you're wasting water."

"Huh?-- Oh shit!" You scrambled to the overflowing tub, and slipped on the wet floor, banging your head on the edge of a wooden basket.

"Ouch, dammit!"


Thanks for reading! :) ❤

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