Chapter 8 - The King (And his Castle)

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Walking down the long red carpet of the golden colored ballroom, Zilder could only marvel at what he saw. The two of them stopped once they got fully into the ballroom, the doors closing themselves behind them.

At the end of the room, there were three thrones, the tallest one being in the middle. There was an occupant on each throne, as well as two others standing beside the throne on the right, but both Zilder and Gale were focused on the the throne in the middle and the one sitting in it.

"That's the king?" Zilder asked quietly. His father started moving forward and Zilder followed.

"Yes," He muttered back. "Remember what I said."

He said, 'don't say anything about the king's physique', but that was the only thing he was having a hard time not commenting about. For starters, he couldn't have been older than Zilder, he had the appearance of a fifteen year old and some kind of pastel green hair. He was smiling at the two of them, and as soon as they were close enough, they began speaking. "Dragomir. It is wonderful to see the leader in my court once again. As well as grand to finally meet the youngest of the clan."

It took Zilder a moment to realized that the king was addressing him. "The feeling is mutual, your majesty." Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Malika's shocked expression. He could also see her tugging on the high court mage's sleeve, and the high court mage ignoring it.

"I've heard many things about you, Zilder. Specifically..." The king paused, his glanced flicking to Gale. Uh oh, did Malika actually tell them about the spirit? " you defeated the Alepoú Tró̱go̱n, the infamous fox eater, at such a young age."

Oh, that...that was six years ago, Zilder had been nine, and there were a lot of details and intricacies to that story that he didn't really remember all that happened. He didn't think the event was well known, but he guessed that Gale would have had to report something like that to the king.

"You will be very important to the kingdom in the coming days, Zilder." The king continued. "As I'm sure your father might have told you-"

"Actually, your majesty, I haven't, and I prefer to keep it that way if that's alright with you." Gale interjected calmly. Zilder looked at him with widening eyes. There was something he hadn't told him?

"Oh come now, are you still using the excuse that he's too young? Fifteen is a prime age." The king looked down at his own hands. "I became king at fifteen, you know. Two hundred and forty-six years a ruler and this body has never failed me."

Gale had a solemn look as he spoke. "And I became leader of the clan at fourteen if you may recall. That doesn't mean I had been completely ready for the position at the time."

"Indeed." Leaning back in his throne, the king's eyes flicked back from Gale to Zilder. "It's not my decision when your father wants to tell you of what's to come, but I am expecting great things from you regardless." He said with a kingly grin.

Zilder nodded in response. "I understand your highness, I won't disappoint."

"Let's hope not. Now, I want you to meet the rest of my family." It occurred to Zilder that the two women on either side of the king had been watching him the entire time with even expressions, not saying a word, barely even moving as far as he could tell. It was kind of creepy but he wouldn't actually say that out loud.

The king motioned to the right of him. "This beautiful woman here is my wife. Queen of Titania, Elana," The woman in question was wearing a gorgeous ruby red dress, with blonde hair mostly tied back into a large bun. Upon closer examination, Zilder could see a small smile on her lips.

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