Chapter 11 - The Proposal/Departure

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It was about as easy as he expected to convince Makoto.

It wasn't so for Ramona and Oclier. Firstly, he had to take the long way around to get to fifth street from eighth where Makoto lived (Because the particular alley that connected those two streets was closed off for an investigation). Hearing himself explain the situation and asking two people he was acquaintances with at best to go on a potentially life-threatening quest was...kind of hard to listen to. Surprisingly, they accepted, and agreed to meet at the castle.

The spirit, Yami, hadn't said a word or so much as stirred since that morning. He was still trying to work out the conversation she had with Zori, which he relayed to Makoto when he talked to him. He had found out one thing, the reason that the summoning circle didn't have an indicator for what layer of the spirit world he summoned her from was because that it was a layer so far down that humans so far hadn't been able to reach. An undocumented layer.

That brought up more questions than it did answers, though, and both Zori and Yami seemed to know what allowed him to summon her now, something about his family's dealing with dragons, and most likely the same thing that Zori said would allow him to summon her Dilucu when he figured out what it was.

He had a feeling that his father knew, it was just one of the things that he'd been keeping from him, and maybe, just maybe he could find some of the answers in the shrouded memories surrounding the demon he defeated.

Zilder and Malika met Makoto, Ramona, and Oclier at the castle gates at sunset the night after, the rest of the time between the early morning he informed them and then all of them spent preparing. They brought everything they thought they needed for the trip. Ramona brought her sword, Oclier a staff, which looked to be ordinary except for runes carved into it, similar to those that Suzannah had on her sword, and Makoto his handguns.

They withheld bringing essential travel equipment, Zilder assured them that the king would supply everything they needed. He brought them through the castle, forgoing a scenic route and taking them straight to the throne room. The king was waiting for them of course, sitting barefoot with his legs crossed on his throne.

Standing beside him was a girl, at least someone that Zilder assumed to be a girl. She had long grey hair braided into a ponytail, and was in full armor. Their sixth member, Zilder presume.

"Welcome, welcome!" The king greeted. Zilder heard a small gasp from Makoto, and he remember that this was his first time seeing the king. Ramona and Oclier, who'd probably been living in the capital for much long, had most likely seen him already in his public appearances, and Malika had been seeing him frequently since she lived in the castle.. "I trust Zilder has explained the nature of this situation to you. If he has brought you, I'm sure he is more than capable in your abilities."

The king looked the group over, four humans and an elf. Zilder wouldn't mention it, but he was wondering how they would fare against angels if there were some still in the temple when they got there. "No doubt he's also told you all about the reward. It, of course, extends to all of you as well, bring me the mirror and you shall receive anything within my power to grant, so long as it's reasonable.

"We understand your majesty." Malika replied. "We're honored to accept this mission."

"Wonderful." The kind closed his eyes momentarily, as if recalling something. "There aren't many who would accept such a mission. The temple itself is one thing, but a trek to find it with all of the monsters roaming around in this day and age is...unsettling. Before I end up spooking you, thought, let me introduce your company for this mission. Second Lieutenant- ah...Chin Bo Shun! That's her name. She will be accompanying you for the expedition."

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