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They stay true to their promises of not mingling with each other; they spend the rest of their day minding their own business. Even when the six of them are seated at the beach at the same time, they make sure to stay as far away as possible from each other. The two villa owners are nowhere to be seen after they offered some peeled oranges to them, saying that they are free to use the kitchen if they ever feel the need to cook something. Up until now, none cooked lunch and none wanted to have any.

After they decide that the sun can no longer burn their skin intensely, they each bring out anything that can be used as mats, lying down on the sandy surface while closing their eyes, simply enjoying the sound of the waves hitting the shore and the slight touch of the salty water against their feet. Being surrounded so much by the hurried pace at the company, sitting by the beach while doing practically nothing seems like the best thing in this world. None of them have touched their phones ever since they came here, deciding to put their busy lives behind for a moment.

They savour the feeling they get as they put their hands behind their heads. At this time, nothing can compare to the lightness in their hearts. They stay lying down, unaware of the fact that the sun is almost setting and only when Wooyoung calls them over to remind them that they will be having dinner together, do they realize that the whole day has basically passed with them lazing around at the beach.

Jongho runs back to the villa first, claiming that he's going to shower before they gather for dinner. The rest return at a much slower pace, taking their own sweet time to dust off the sand from their clothes and pick up their mats. The surrounding has darkened considerably, and they notice that the lights at the villa has been switched on, giving the villa an unearthly glow against the backdrop. There is still a pronounced awkwardness between the young men, but as they make their way back to the villa, they think that maybe this isn't so bad after all. They part ways with each of them planning to freshen themselves with a quick shower before dinner is served.

In his bathroom, Jongho hums happily as he lathers the shampoo onto his brown hair, glad that he finally has the opportunity to relax after being in a week-long slump at the company. He rinses off the bubbles, wrapping the towel around his lower body before stepping out of the cubicle. He looks up when he notices that one of the bulbs in the room is flickering, and he makes a mental note to ask the owners to change it. He hears what sounds like the door to the bathroom being unlocked, but when he checks it, nothing is amiss. He's not the type to get scared easily, so he ignores it and goes over to the mirror, which has fogged up from the heat. He swipes a hand across the mirror, and he crashes backwards towards the floor, almost knocking his head against the toilet bowl when he sees what's on the mirror.

Choi San is staring back at him, smiling so wide the corners of his lips could touch his ears.

He shakes his head, trying to force himself to believe that it's only a hallucination. He gets up slowly, approaching the mirror and he sees none other than his own reflection. He turns his head to scan through the whole bathroom, thinking that the owner would be playing some kind of sick joke on him. He feels silly when realizes that he is alone in the bathroom. His ragged breath bouncing against the walls shows that he is slightly shaken, but he comforts himself saying that it's only his mind playing tricks on him. Not wanting to spend any more time in the bathroom, he steps out almost too quickly he almost slipped, putting on whatever clothes is comfortable before darting downstairs, eager to at least see familiar faces.

Maybe it's his expression, or his irregular breathing is what gives him away, but Yunho creases his forehead when he notices the youngest coming down the stairs as he asks, "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

He only puts up a hand and tries to paste a smile on his face to show that he's fine, because he is sure that his voice would start cracking if he starts talking. All 8 of them are gathered at the dining table, and he tries hard to avoid eye contact with San. He doesn't have to worry about it, though, as the latter seems to only focus on the grilled meat in front of him, his eyes not leaving the poultry even for a second. Wooyoung invites the rest to dig in, but he doesn't take one for himself, not until he has made sure that he has served San first. They nudge each other silently, gesturing at how Wooyoung seems to care so much for San. Jongho doesn't join them, his mind still disturbed.

Here I Lie // ATEEZ ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum