marriage alphabet || denki kaminari

Comenzar desde el principio

i - invest (how much do they contribute to your marriage?)

he does what he can, although he can be a clueless at times, so forgive him if he doesn't do things - it might just take a "uh, denki" to prompt him to do something. he's there mainly for comic relief and emotional support, he'll be there for you 100% and as it turns out he's actually the rock of the relationship - he's incredibly strong mentally and emotionally, so he's there for you always.

j - jealous (do they still get jealous even though you're completely theirs?)

he can get jealous but he's not afraid of losing you - he knows that the dynamic the pair of you have is amazing and he knows that you would never throw that away for some random guy. he'll still make a show of making it known to the other person that yo're his - he'll wrap his arm around your waist and glare at them, probably smother you with kisses and slowly drag you away, all the while shooting glances at the other person and ignoring you whilst you try to stop him.

k - kiss (how often would you two kiss? do you still have that spark?)

a lot of kisses between you two are forehead, nose and cheek kisses, so when he actually kisses you there's definitely a spark there. the two of you only really kiss like this when the mood's romantic, so the spark will always remain. even if the 'spark' is metaphorical, he can make it literal. he loves to kiss you whenever he can. but like said, most of the time it's on your forehead, nose and cheeks.

l - live (where would you two settle down at?)

most likely wherever duty calls for denki - he stills wants to be a hero of course and he'll happily settle wherever he can. but of course he's still conscious of your wants and needs, so he'll make sure that you approve of the area the two of you move to, or he'll even go to the effort of moving to wherever the two of you want to move to and finding a hero agency to join there.

m - make (do they still make your heart flutter after years of marriage?)

definitely - denki's a really flirty guy, so he knows what to do to make you giggle and become all flustered. he'll shower you with compliments and say things like 'damn girl' whenever you walk by, all while shooting you a flirty grin. he definitely didn't lose his flirting skills after marriage.

n - never (what is something they would never do?)

he would never cheat of you. he's a flirty guy but he would never dream of cheating on you. be assured that once denki finds the love of his life he'll never let them go, and he certainly wouldn't go hunting for someone else. once he's devoted himself to you then he's d e v o t e d himself.

o - opportunity (do you two still get the opportunity to be intimate with one another?)

definitely, and even if he doesn't have time, he'll be sure to make it. he would never miss the opportunity to be intimate with you and show you how much he loves you.

p - pet names (what pet names do you two give each other?)

babe, baby, honey, sweetie, sweetheart, gorgeous, beautiful.

q - quiet (do you two keep quiet about your marriage? or do you always brag about one another?)

oh he definitely brags about you. he wants to let the world know just how amazing you are, and he certainly won't be quiet about it. he's proud to call you his partner and he's going to make that known to the world - so don't be surprised if you see tonnes of articles about the pair of you online every couple of weeks.

r - romance (how do you two keep your romance alive?)

it just kind of keeps itself alive - there's never a dull moment when denki is arrive, and that applies to romance too. sometimes he might surprise you with random romantic gestures such as breakfast in bed or flowers waiting on your desk at work.

s - selfie (would they take multiple pictures of you? would they save them on their phone?)

oh definitely - and he'll probably do it at the most random of times - you can never predict them. stuffing your face with popcorn? "picture babe!" just woken up? "say cheese baby!" the two of you have double chins whilst laying back and watching a move? "look we're twinning!". he definitely has some of your most unattractive photos as his wallpapers.

t - teenagers (do you still act like teens when you're older?)

yep - still tonnes of giggling, teasing and flirting. he's a total kid and he definitely brings the teenager out of you.

u - unrelenting (what hasn't stopped since you two got married?)

the flirty texts, flirty looks and general flirty things.

the two of you might go out to a bar and when he comes back from ordering you two drinks he might go "well hello there, who are you gorgeous?".

v - valentine's day (what plans do you two make?)

laying in bed all day, smothering each other in love and just enjoying each other's presence. no expectations, no one else but the two of you.

w - wedding (what was your wedding like?)

probably would have been small, but definitely would be a hell of a lot of fun. just immediate family and close friends, and it would have been one hell of a party. there would have been a lot of partying and jokes and it overall would have just been amazing.

x - x-ray (can you two see through each other? can you see when you're lying or not?)

denki may not seem like it - but he can really see through people and tell when something's bothering you. to him, you're like an open book and he can tell how you're feeling within an instant - so you'll probably never be able to hide your feelings from him.

y - yearly tradition (what do you two do every year for your wedding anniversary?)

prank war day - without a doubt it's the best thing ever and the two of you have a lot of fun too.

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