Dean stared cautiously trying to read what that was all about. He studied the stupid grin on the Agent's face.

"What?" He questioned.

"Let's get going, Dean." Castiel gave Dean a slight pat before walking away towards literally nothing before stopping and turning back.

"Uh. can you take me to the hospital?"
Castiel tried to act like he didn't just assume Dean was going to drive him to the hospital even though the man did offer to take him home.

"Hospital? Why?"

Dean already knew why.

"Just hurry up or I'll call someone."
Castiel was becoming a bossy little bitch. Dean would love to get a hold of him. Let him know who really gave the orders.

"Alright, Alright, but I'm gonna need answers."

"So who are we visiting?" Dean has tried to keep his mouth shut, but he only lasted about five minutes. Again, he knew who it was. It was Meg, but he couldn't help but ask again.

"Her name is Meg Masters. I found her unconscious in her home and now she's awake. I think she might give us a lead to the killer."

"And what if she doesn't help?"

Dean was testing the waters.

"Then we'd be at a loss."

"What if she dies?"

Castiel turned to look at Dean with curious eyes, "Dies? What do you mean by that?"

"Well Benny's death is all over the news. Its said Cain or whoever that guy is killed him. The press was all over it. Didn't you see it? They all think the guy's targeting Meg next."

The cells in Castiel's brain worked to keep up with what just came out of Dean's mouth.

"Yeah, its literally everywhere."

Shit-wait. How did they find out already?Was it possible someone could have said something? But the others couldn't have been that stupid. Right?

"Are you sure?"

Dean looked over from the driver's seat and gave Castiel a slight glare.

"Listen then. If you don't believe me."

Dean turned on the radio and there was a bit of static before a male and female voice came online.

"But do you think it's true, Will?"

"True? Well that we don't know for sure, but what we do know is that we aren't safe here. Parents are starting to worry for the safety of their children. People are asking questions."

"We all are, Will. There is a phsyco on the loose. Two people dead in a week. That't definitely not being taken lightly."

"Apparently the talk is that Meg Masters, the house maid is next. What do you think on that?"

"Honestly, Will, it could be any of us. Cain could be after any of us. Its only a matter of time before he gets us all."

Dean shut off the radio, hiding his light smirk. "See what I'm saying? Its everywhere."

Castiel wasn't sure why he continued to argue, but he did.
"But that doesn't prove that Meg could be next."

"Whatever you say, Agent."

The two men pulled into the lot and Castiel got off while Dean looked for a parking space.

Dean met him inside and Castiel walked up to the desk. It was the same female from a while ago.

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