Chapter 1

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It's been about a week since the incident with the shadow wolves in the forest and life at the academy has returned to normal. Well...more or less.

Today marked the second day of their two week break from school.

Many of the students took advantage of the chance to visit Velona without putting in a request, so the halls of the academy were quiet and mostly empty.

Elviya and Sylviana had gone with Nephinae to explore Velona. August and Silver were in the headmistress's office borrowing spell books, so Haren was left with some time to himself. HE decided to spend it in the courtyard since it wasn't raining.

When he got there, he found it empty.

"Bright one out today," He thought, finding a seat in the grass under the shade of one of the oak trees where he usually sat.

He lay down on his back with his arms behind his head and gazed up at the sky. It was a gray-blue color and practically void of clouds.

"what are we going to do today?"  Rala asked, laying down next to him.

He stroked her behind the ears as he thought about it," Well, Silver wanted to practice magic with me, but that wont be until later."

"Then, what should we do?"

"Whatever you want to do," He shrugged, sitting up.

Rala looked at him for a few moments, seemingly lost in thought," do you still have any spell books left from the last time you borrowed from the headmistress?" She asked.

"No. I don't think so," Haren replied.

"then, let's go see if she'll lend you some and we can read them after lunch since it's almost that time anyway."

"Yeah, ok. I guess August and Silver will meet us in the dinning hall, so let's head over there now." Haren stood, and stretched. Rala did the same, and they made their way down the hall.

When they arrived at the dinning hall, Silver and August were waiting by the doors.

"Ah, so you did decide to come eat today," Silver teased when he saw Haren walking over.

"Ha ha." Haren replied, leading the two into the room," that was one time."

"It's still funny."

"Man, I'm tired today," Haren groaned as he sat down at a table.

The three of them were among the few students in the dinning room. Since a large portion of the student body spent their day in Velona, the hall seemed empty.

He heard Silver sigh," Two more months until the end of the school year."

"Yeah. For the normal students," August said.

"Oh yeah, that's right. Elise wanted us to take the extra winter classes," Silver replied," Man, that'll suck."

"Well, it's better that way. We won't be away for as long," Haren said," Not many people take the extra classes, so we'll have more time to ourselves."

"What I don't get is why she wanted us to graduate before going back," Silver huffed.

"Well, it's a little too late to question it."

"yeah. all we can do now is go with the plan," august said.

When the three of them were finished with lunch, they made their was up to the headmistress's office.

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