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"Don't let others define you. Define yourself."

Standards are the silent battles many of us fight daily. We live in a world where we're pressured to conform, to look and act a certain way. The saddest part? We've let society consume us by conforming to expectations, rather than embracing our true selves.

In my teenage years, I never saw myself as beautiful. I grew up in a place where comparisons were the norm. 'Your sister is smarter,' 'Your cousin is prettier,' the list goes on.

Each day was a struggle. A battle between facing the mirror or avoiding it. I carried disgust and fear for so long —

I had dark circles from late nights of thoughts and tears. My dry hair and unruly baby hairs made me prefer ponytails over headbands.

My chubby face bore dark spots and acne scars. My lips lacked the allure of celebrities' well-colored lips.

My body was average, with baby fat and love handles hidden under loose clothes.

My IQ wasn't exceptional, just meeting the basic requirements. I feared being called ugly but lacked the courage to claim my beauty. Day by day, envy, jealousy, hate, and ingratitude filled my heart. I questioned everything and everyone, retreating into a shell of aloofness.

I stopped loving and started hating myself.

Then, a realization struck me — the toughest battle isn't against others, but against oneself. You can't stop others from judging you if you can't believe in your own beauty. The change you seek in others must start within you.

From that day on, I smiled in the mirror, saying 'I Love You!' and thank God. I stopped crying over the unchangeable and embraced my true self. I found the bright side of life by loving myself, showing gratitude to God, family, and true friends.

The real issue isn't judgmental eyes but our response. Society doesn't force standards on us; we allow it.

LOVE YOURSELF FIRST, before seeking it elsewhere. Love can't dwell in a heart filled with hate. Acceptance is the starting point of genuine happiness.

Don't conform to trends or societal norms. Be unique, grateful, kind, content, happy, and your own kind of beautiful.


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