ARNAV; am going to hold it a longer in my mouth to relinquish its taste…it’s too good I don’t want to swallow it…

KHUSHI; arnav

ARNAV; don’t kill me but I still think a bullet is still much better

KHUSHI; what did I get wrong??

ARNAV; Everything….

KHUSHI; am never going to cook anything ever again

ARNAV; that’s what you said last time??

KHUSHI; it’s not my fault, no one ever taught me how to cook and stop looking at me like that

ARNAV; like what??

KHUSHI; like your hiding something from me…are you??

ARNAV; what do you mean by that?

KHUSHI; what do you want to tell me? (She says as she stares at arnav intently)
Arnav clears his throat and chooses his words correctly “why are you under the impression I want to say something to you…”

KHUSHI; well I have a lot of reasons to support my claim…A) you have been tugging your hair and scratching the back of your head which by the way, you only do when you’re nervous or frustrated..And B) you have been staring at me this whole time…what! Am very observant… so I ask again what is it you want to tell me…from your expression am guessing it’s something I won’t like but go ahead

ARNAV; your over thinking

KHUSHI; your lying to me

ARNAV; am not

KHUSHI; then why are you avoiding my eyes

ARNAV; so you’re going to make this an issue

KHUSHI; I can tell when your being truthful or not; first you act oblivious

ARNAV; what makes you think am hiding something

KHUSHI; then you get angry

ARNAV; what the hell khushi

KHUSHI; then you scratch the back of your head… (She says and arnav stops his hand mid way from scratching the back of his head while khushi gives him a victorious smile)

ARNAV; lavanya

KHUSHI; I should have guessed…so what is it??

ARNAV; she wants you gone from the company…so she asked me to fire you…

KHUSHI; so how did she react when you told her you would never fire me??

ARNAV; huh!!!

KHUSHI; you told her you wouldn’t fire me right??

ARNAV; khushi…

KHUSHI; don’t answer that…I already got the answer…I will make this simple for you…lavanya wants me gone from the company…I want to stay…obviously me and her have conflicting choices…so arnav what do you want…do you want me gone or to stay…well don’t just stay quiet…is it going to be your wife or your lover?

ARNAV; what do you think?? Lavanya she

KHUSHI; so you’re trying to tell me your okay with hurting me but not her

ARNAV; khushi don’t you think it’s a bit too early for us to be arguing…I didn’t even want to tell you this in the first place…I wouldn’t fire you even if I wanted to

KHUSHI; does she know that?

ARNAV; know what…

KHUSHI; that I happen to hold some shares in your company…by the look on your face she doesn’t know that does she? Hold that thought I haven’t listened to your thoughts your highness what do you want? Do you want me gone or

MY LOVER MY WIFE... Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora