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Kirishima lays in his bed in the dorm room, staring up at the ceiling. His phone vibrates and he sees it's a text from Bakugo. "Hey, shitty hair, you awake? I can't sleep."

K: I'm awake. Something wrong?

B: Nah, just bored

K: Same here. I haven't slept much lately

Kirishima hears his door creak open. Bakugo stood at the threshold, closing the door behind him and sneaking into his room. Kirishima moves over and opens his arms, inviting Bakugo to lay with him.

They've been doing this for months now. No one knew what they were up to, or why they acted like such close friends. It was more than that. Kirishima was the only person Bakugo felt comfortable with. He felt like it was okay to show that he cared, and that was a big deal from someone like Bakugo.

Kirishima's boyfriend slips under the covers, his back against Kirishima's chest. Kirishima wraps an arm around Katsuki's hips, holding him tight in silence. He knew that ever since the League captured him, he's been having nightmares. 

Katsuki always smelled so sweet, the nitroglycerin in his sweat always had a faint scent. His body was always warm and inviting to Kirishima.

Bakugo would usually resent being held like this. But with Kirishima, things were different. Kirishima understood that Bakugo was strong and independent. He didn't need to fake toughness or do the "manly" thing, as Kirishima would call it. They were equals, and they both understood eachother.

Bakugo broke the silence. "I don't want to hide anymore," he announced, met with surprise from Kirishima. "Dude, you know if they knew we were dating they'd make sure we couldn't do stuff like this. They wouldn't want us fooling around."

Bakugo doesn't respond for so long, Kirishima looked at his boyfriend, only to see he had fallen asleep in his arms.

He knew he had to wake him up before he fell asleep as well. Kirishima could only imagine the looks on everyone's faces if they saw Bakugo leave his room so early in the morning. But he decided he would let Bakugo stay a little longer. He never wanted him to leave.

Turns out, Kirishima waited far too long to wake Bakugo. Before he knew it, the couple was asleep together and the sun was rising.

"Wake up!" The door swings open in a rush, "Mr. Aizawa said to wake every-" Iida stops in his tracks, seeing the two boys sleeping together. Not even the loudness of the way he stormed in woke them.

He heard someone yawn behind him. Iida turned to see Midoriya and Kaminari behind him. "What's all the noise for?" Kaminari asked, looking from Iida to the two boys, his face going from sleepy to shocked in seconds.

Midoriya stared at the two, peacefully sleeping. He had never seen either of the boisterous teens so peaceful. It took a moment for it to hit him.

"Kachan and Kirishima?!" He yelped in surprise, taking a step back. The noise attracted the attention of  Tokoyami, who rushed down the hall with Dark Shadow at his side. "What's the matter? Did something happen?" He asks.

Kirishima starts to stir, but before any of them could retreat and act like nothing happened, the boy jumps out of bed, his cheeks almost as red as his hair. He had finally noticed the uninvited guests in his room.

"Woah! You guys! You can't just bust in my room!" He protests. An explosion comes from under the sheets, smoke fuming under them as Bakugo glares at the group. He stands up, malice turning his eyes demonic. "You idiots! I'll kill you all!" Explosions pop in his open hands.

"My apologies!" Iida blushed, "I shouldn't have barged in." He bows repeatedly. "Mr. Aizawa told me to wake everyone quickly."

"Well, that worked! We're all up now." Mina's voice comes from around the corner, and both Kirishima and Bakugo burn red when they realize the other girls were behind her. More than half the class were now witness to their relationship!

Kirishima sighed and put a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Well, you did say you didn't want to hide it anymore." He points out.

Bakugo growls, "I didn't want anyone to find out like this, moron!"

Tokoyami reels in Dark Shadow, realizing there is no immediate danger. "If Mr. Aizawa is summoning us, it must be important. We should go." He turns away and heads back to his dorm. The rest of the class agrees.

The anger melts from Bakugo, or at least, most of it. "Dammit! What makes him think he could just barge in like that?"

"We'll have to talk to everyone after class. Just chill out, okay?" Kirishima plants a kiss on Bakugo's forehead. 

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