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Soon, all the classes were over, and the students were preparing to go back to the dorms, packing up their bags and leaving the last classroom. Kirishima was about to follow them out, until Bakugo put a hand on his shoulder. "Let's wait for them all to leave." He suggests.

Since moving into dorms, most of the students of Class-1A usually hung around the common area after class, just goofing off or having some downtime as a group. That's the perfect opportunity to clear up what was going on between the couple.

As soon as the last student left the room, and the teacher stepped outside, Bakugo planted a kiss on Kirishima's lips. He slid his hand from Kirishima's shoulder down to entwine his fingers with his boyfriend's hand, walking out with him.

"I don't care what they have to say," Bakugo growls, "I'm not hiding anymore, Kirishima!"

Kirishima squeezes his hand, "maybe it won't be so bad. All of our classmates will understand" Bakugo nods, giving glares to a pair of students who were staring and whispering. "I just hope the school doesn't have a problem with us in the same dorm." Kirishima adds.

That was their biggest worry, the only real reason to hide their relationship. If the school knew what they did at night, what would happen? The class they were all forced into this morning made it worse. The school was obviously aware that hormones were ramped up in a place of such close quarters.

As they walked into the common area, still holding hands, eyes shot toward them. Why were they being so awkward about it? This group was usually friendly.

The couches and chairs were mostly occupied, except a few people were missing from the class. Koda, Sato, and Aoyama were absent. But those three weren't the people Kirishima were concerned with. They weren't very close with anyone in the class.

"Alright, losers," Bakugo plops himself in a recliner, Kirishima sitting on its armrest. "We all know what you saw this morning, and I don't like the way you all have been staring at us all day."

"Can you blame us though? You two are going to ruin this for all of us!" Yaoyorozu sits on the couch with crossed legs, looking angry. "The teachers made our dorms co-ed to bring us closer as a class and so far it worked. But between Mineta's foul behavior and you two sneaking around at night, we might lose this privilege."

Kirishima and Bakugo shoot looks at eachother. That's what the class was worried about? They hadn't even thought that everyone could be punished for their behaviors. They only assumed that one of them would have to move to a different dorm if they were ever caught.

"But, we gotta know," Mina looked at the pair, "are you two actually... dating?" Bakugo huffed, "of course we are, idiots! Why else would we have to sneak around?"

Iida pushes up his glasses, sighing, while Midoriya looks at him. Iida sends some cash his way, and so does Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Kaminari.

"Wait, you guys bet on this?" Kirishima looks between the group.

Apparently, they had all seen the way the pair looked at eachother, subtle hints that there was more going on, and assumed they had been dating on the side. The class explains to the pair that they had a plan on how to handle it if it was true.

"We didn't want to lose our dorms," Iida explains, "so, even if it pains me to do so, I, and the rest of the class, is willing to keep your secrets for the sake of the majority."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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