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Mr. Aizawa waited for them outside the dorms. As they lined up in two rows to listen to him, he shook his head. "That was disappointingly slow, Iida. You should be ashamed as a class rep."

You could see a sliver of Iida's spirit break. "Sorry, sir."

Aizawa sighs and waves a hand. "Follow me." He turns around and the class follows him as he talked. "There have been multiple reports of inappropriate behavior in the dorms." Bakugo could feel eyes shift to him and Kirishima. "Mainly due to Mineta's gross obsession with the girls of the class."

The eyes shift to the short pervert and he hangs his head low.

They walk into a side door of the main school and down the hall. "Because of the nature of dorm rooms and high school, this doesn't come as much surprise. But the last thing we need is our heroes messing up their future due to irresponsible decisions.

He slides open a door to an unused classroom. Recovery Girl stood in front of a chalkboard that read "SEX ED 101".

"What?! Are you serious? This old prude is gonna teach us about sex?" Bakugo groans. Eyes dart to him and he scoffs it off. He knew what everyone was thinking. He tried not to care.

Kirishima put a hand on his shoulder, but Bakugo shrugged it off and shot him a look.

"Listen, boys and girls, I am your school nurse and your health is my priority! With the help of Mr. Aizawa, we will teach you things you should have learned in middle school! Consider this a remedial class!" Recovery Girl huffs.

Mineta and Kaminari looked at eachother, grave looks on their faces. They knew the thoughts in each other's heads, and how Recover Girl made it sound. Mr. Aizawa and Recovery Girl teaching students about sex. It was hard to contain their laughter until swift blows came down on their heads.

Yaoyorozi struck them both, scolding them, "we should all take this seriously! They're both right, you know. How can someone be a hero if they can't be responsible for themselves?"

"Besides," Tokoyami adds, "Mineta is the main reason we all have to waste our time here."

Eventually, and with much resistance, the teachers herded the class to their seats.

The teachers droned on and on about safety and responsibility. It bored the hell out of the students until Mr. Aizawa uncovered a table. On it was a dildo and several types of condoms. He tears it open and explains how to put it on.

"Dude, this is hilarious!" Kaminari whispers. Suddenly, we see a flesh-colored streak fly through the air and hit Kaminari in the head.

"Attack of the flying dildo!" One of the girls squealed, laughing.

"Take this seriously!" Recovery Girl scolded.

None of the students could muster up any sense of seriousness after that, though.

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