Chapter 3 - Legendary

Start from the beginning

Seongmin heard a muffled oof as the person she'd run into tripped backwards, a stack of papers they'd had in their hands flying everywhere. Seongmin fell as well, but quickly got onto her knees, apologising profusely.

"God, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" She began to gather the papers, a few of which had landed dangerously close to the tiny river flowing through the gutter.

The man on the ground laughed softly, beginning to collect his papers. "Don't worry about it," he said. "I have a tendency to cause disasters like this."

Seongmin smiled a bit, looking at him more closely as she tried to figure out whether there was an order the papers went in. He had kind, dark eyes, a cute tiny, nose, and thick lips, which didn't sound like it should work in her mind, but suited him extremely well. His blonde hair was styled in an undercut, with strands of it blowing around in the slight breeze that threatened to steal his papers. With his very slightly tanned skin and dark clothes, all in all Seongmin thought he was rocking whatever look he was going for.

The two finished collecting the papers, and Seongmin stood up, helping the man up and handing him his papers. He tucked them under his arm, looking back at her with an adorable dimpled smile.

"I'm Kim Namjoon," he said, his smile making Seongmin's own grin grow wider. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, and sorry about... all this." He waved his free hand around, indicating the runaway papers. Seongmin chuckled.

"No problem. Sorry I knocked you over. I'm Cho Seongmin."

Namjoon smiled again. God, Seongmin wanted to pinch his cheeks, his dimples were having that much of an effect on her. Control yourself, you idiot, she thought to herself, keeping her hands safely at her sides.

A couple seconds later, a watch which Seongmin hadn't previously noticed on Namjoon's wrist beeped. He looked down at it and his smile faded.

"Apologies," he said, looking back up at Seongmin. "I have to run. I'm falling behind for something important." He smiled one last time at her.

"No problem. Nice to meet you, Namjoon." Seongmin smiled, stepping aside to let him pass in the sidewalk. He bowed quickly before walking away at a brisk pace, papers held tightly to keep any runaways from getting away.

Seongmin sighed and walked back to her house, wondering if she couldn't still get those few hours of sleep that her darn arachnophobic friend had cost her.


After laying in bed for another hour, Seongmin gave up, going back downstairs to the living room. She flopped down sleepily on the couch and turned on the TV, where she flipped through a few channels to get to the news. Might as well find out what was wrong with the world if she couldn't do anything else.

About halfway through the weather report (sunshine today with rain the rest of the week), a breaking news broadcast broke through the meteorologist's drone. A peppy, black haired woman looked excitedly up from her desk at the audience as the cameras went live.

"This just in, nothing short of a miracle has been spotted on the south side of Seoul! According to reports that are still flooding in, a superhero has been sighted in the city-"

Seongmin sat bolt upright. Could it be Black Rabbit? She watched intently, waiting for the broadcast to switch to the downtown news. Finally, after a few more agonising seconds that felt like years, she caught her first glimpse of the hero.

Dressed in all black, with a white and silver mask, the guy seemed to have a theme going with clocks. Three pocket watches hung from a silver belt of the same color, and a similar wristwatch decorated his left arm. A metallic chain around his neck held a pendant which Seongmin realised was an emblem, a white quartz circle with two crossed black arrows over the face. Even his mask had two black arrows, like the hands of a clock, running over where his hidden eyebrows would be.

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