Chapter 1 - Black Rabbit

Start from the beginning

   "I won't kill you," he whispered, pressing his masked lips to Seongmin's ear. "But there are ways I can hurt you that'll feel worse than death." He traced a line down Seongmin's face with the gun, stopping it at her collarbone in a clear threat.

   Seongmin fought back a pang of terror, standing stock still. Kim walked up to her, holding the rope out, and Gang just stood back, staring her down with his intense blue eyes.

   This is it, Seongmin thought. She'd be taken wherever the boys were going and undergo whatever their "plan" was, and probably would never be heard from again. Truth be told, that was worst case scenario, but in her panic, she couldn't think anything else.

   Then suddenly, a shadow crossed overhead. Seongmin paid it no mind at first, thinking it was a cloud or possibly an airplane, but then a voice spoke behind Kim, who was standing in front of her.

   "Hey. I'd let her go, if I were you. We wouldn't want a fight to break out, now would we?"

   Kim turned, moving to the side slightly, and Seongmin caught a glimpse of the speaker. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

   A young man, who couldn't be much older than twenty, stood in the alleyway behind the three men holding Seongmin captive. His jet black hair looked a lot like Gang's, but he wore his down over his forehead rather than pushed back like said young gang member. He had a young face, complete with large, dark eyes and a sharp jawline that fit him extremely well. His eyes were full of confidence, shining with some inner determination, an easy smile plastered onto his lips. He wore a tight black shirt, showing off his impressive build, black pants, silver boots and a matching silver belt.

   None of this, however, was what shocked Seongmin.

   What surprised her was the fact that he wore a mask shaped like an hourglass, covering the top half of his face but leaving his eyes exposed.

   He looked like a superhero.

   But that was impossible. He was just a guy impersonating a hero, who was going to get himself hurt or killed here if he tried to help Seongmin.

   "Get out of here," Seongmin hissed. "Don't hurt yourself here!"

   "Better listen to the girl, kid," Song said, holding tightly onto Seongmin's shoulder to keep her from running and waving the gun in the new guy's direction.

   The man just laughed. "Try anything. I can take you down in a heartbeat."

   Song rolled his eyes, nodding at Kim, who moved forward towards the man. Seongmin closed her eyes, not wanting to see what would happen as Kim pulled his hand back, prepared to attack the new guy.

   She heard a punch and a muffled oof, but opening her eyes, she was shocked at what she saw.

   Kim was out cold, ten feet away from where he'd been standing a moment ago. The man in black was standing, perfectly unharmed and seemingly unfazed. He turned towards Song, shrugging apologetically at him.

   Song's eyes were twice the size they'd been a few moments ago. Gang had a similar expression on his face as he rushed toward Kim, dragging him out of the way while keeping his eyes firmly locked on the new guy.

   Just then, Song aimed his gun at the man, shooting before Seongmin could shout a warning.

   She couldn't believe what she saw.

   The man ducked, dodging the bullet as easily as if it were a poorly thrown dodgeball, and rushed at Song. Before he had time to react, the man had grabbed the gun, and squeezing it in his hand, bent it like it were a pipe cleaner rather than a piece of hard iron.

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