Chapter 7

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Sorry about the long wait you guys. I get writer's block from time to time, and plus I write my stories down in a notebook before I type them. So when I do, I can edit as I go. Lucky for you, I'll try and get both chapters 7 & 8 typed up.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Justice League or Harry Potter. They belong to their respectful owners.

Chapter 7--(Terry's P.O.V)

When we got to the mall, I could tell by the look on Emma's face that she had no idea where to go first. I couldn't help the feelings welling up inside. This was probably the first time she's been to the mall. The way she spoke of her relatives earlier, shows that they never bought her anything at all. What kind of people would harm such a sweet little girl? I don't think that the Joker would be able to hurt her if he could. I just hope her relatives were rotting in prison, for all they did to her. That surprised me, because I just met Emma, and already I was just as protective of her as I am with my other adopted siblings. By the looks on the others' faces before they went to separate stores, that I wasn't the only one who felt that way. God help any boy who wants to date her.

"Hey Emma, lets go pick out some decorations." I said.

She nodded her head, giving me one of her shy smiles.

"So, Emma, what do you like?" Tim asked.

She thought about it for a moment. "Well, my favorite animals are a white stag, a black Scottish Deerhound, and a brown wolf. My favorite colors are green, gold, and red."

He nodded. "That's cool. How would you paint your room?"

"Well, I would like there to be medieval castle built in a valley with surrounding mountains. It would also have a fairly large black lake, and a dark forest surrounding. I would also like it to painted with the night sky in the background. Why do you ask?" She asked.

"Oh, just wondering," Tim quickly said before turning to me. "If you need me Terry, I'll be over there."

He ran off before I could say any thing. I had an idea to what he was up to, but for once, I let him get away with it.

"What was that about?" Emma asked, looking over at Tim as he left in confusion.

"Don't worry about it. Tim is always like that." I said. "Now, let go get some things for your room."

We went to this store that sold a lot of colorful sheets. I pulled out my phone.

'I've got an idea for Emma's room, dad.' I text Bruce. He replied immediately.

'I'm listening.' He said.

So I told him everything that Emma described to me earlier.

'So what do you think?' I ask.

'I like it. I'll make a few calls, and let you know when it is okay to come home.' He said.

'Thanks dad. See you when we get home.

When we found everything we needed. I decided that we should go pick out some clothes, but as we were heading that way. I heard someone call my name.

"Terry, what are you doing here?" A familiar voice said from behind me.

'I know that voice.' I thought as I turned around to see the face of my beautiful girlfriend, Dana. She had long black hair, and matching eye with pale skin.

I smiled, "Hello Dana. I'm with my new little sister." I pointed to Emma, who was looking at Dana from behind my legs. "Emma this is Dana. Dana meet Emma."

Dana gave Emma a smile as she crouched down in front of me. "Hello, Emma. It is really nice to meet you."

Emma looked at her and gave a small smile. "Nice to meet you too, Dana."

"We were just about to go shopping for some new clothes for Emma." I said.

Dana stood up, chuckling. "You! Terry, with your fashion sense!"

I blushed in embarrassment. "Hey! I'm not that bad."

"Yeah, when you're picking out your own clothes, but do you know what to pick out for a little girl?" Dana stated. "I may just have to come with you, for Emma's sake."

Dana began to chuckle again and soon after Emma joined in as well. My face felt hot, and I was sure it was the color of a tomato. I couldn't help but smile in good humor. I smiled even bigger when I realized that I wouldn't be picking out girl's clothes all on my own.

"What is this? Pick on Terry Day?" I said jokingly.

"Definitely, Terry," Dana agreed. "I hope you don't mind me tagging along?"

"Of course not. The more the merrier. Now lets find Tim." I said looking for my brother.

I spotted him heading our way with a Toys 'R Us bag. He winked at me and motioned the bag towards Emma. I nod my head slightly.

"Hey, Dana! Good to see you." Tim greeted.

"Hello, Tim," She said. "How are you?"

"Great! Are you joining us?" He asked.

"Yes, I am." She said.

"Great! Hey Terry, I'm going to go find dad. You three have fun!" Tim said running off.

(Emma's P.O.V)

I watched Tim run off in the other direction.

"Come on Emma." Dana said taking my hand.

Dana lead me to several stores: JC Penny, Office Max, Hot Topic, Aeropostale, American Eagle, Forever 21, and Shoe Carnival. When we were done, I had over twenty or so bags full of clothes. All this stuff costed a lot money, and I wasn't exactly sure if I was okay with that. Especially, when Jason showed up and handed me a brand new I-Phone and I-Pod. I was definitely overwhelmed. As we made our way to the car at the end of the day. I was exhausted. I'm surprised that I was able to walk.

I guess Bruce saw that I was tired, because the next thing I know I was being scooped up into his arms. I would of said something, but I was just too tired. The rhythm of his gait made me even more exhausted. My eyes began to droop, and I soon lay my head against his shoulder. I closed my eyes and was wisped away to dreamland.

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