Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the Justice League do not belong to me.

(Zatanna's P.O.V)
I made my way towards the large, seven story castle perched atop of a high mountain with a huge black lake on the other side. As soon as I stepped foot on to the grounds, I could instantly distinguished the waves of magic rolling off the chateau. It was like the castle itself was welcoming me as it interacted with my own magic. This was Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, this was where I would receive my answers. When I reached the entrance I was met by a stern looking woman wearing an emerald green cloak. Even though she hid it well, I could sense that the woman was worried about something.
"It is so good to see you Professor McGonagall." I said smiling. "Are you okay?"
The old woman sighed. "I'm doing fine Ms. Zatara." She said trying to hide her emotions, but after spending time with Batman you learn how to read people.
"Please Professor call me Zatanna." I wanted to say more but decided to let it go for now. "Now are you sure everything is okay?"
"When did you get so good at reading people?" The old woman took a deep breath. "Lily and James' daughter Emily is missing. I told Dumbledore not to leave her with those despicable muggles. I knew they weren't right, Albus said she'd be safe. Now she's missing and that's not even the worst of it. Apparently when I went to check on her I founnd evidence that they abused her!" McGonagall babbled.
I waited until she was finished her rant.
"Professor, I'm sure Ms. Potter is fine where ever she is. In fact I may have an idea of where she might be, but in mean time you're going to have to trust me. Now lets head up to the Professor Dumbledore's office, so I only have to repeat myself once." I said.
She looked like she wanted to ask more, but she nodded her head.
We made our way towards Headmaster's office. I have to admit I what I saw wasn't what expected at all. Professor Dumbledore's office was a mess, the portraits of past Headmasters and Fawkes looked worried and the Professor himself was missing his annoying twinkle in his eyes. This man didn't look like the villain I thought he truly was. No this man looked like a very worried grandfather. For once he looked as if his age had finally caught up with him.
It felt even worse when Professor Dumbledore tried to put on happy mask.
"Zatanna Zatara it has been a while my friend. It always a pleasure to see you." He tried to smile, but it did not reach his eyes.
I skipped the formalities.
"Professor, I have news on the where abouts of Emily Lily Potter." I said.
That got their attention real quick.
"You do? Where is she? Is she safe?" McGonagall asked grabbing my arms.
"Minerva, please, let Ms. Zatanna speak." Professor Dumbledore said.
She let me go and sat back down in her seat. The old woman actually looked embarrassed at how she acted.
"Thank-you, now to answer your questions in order. Yes I do know where she is, but I won't say until I'm absolutely sure I can trust you. Lastly, Emily is in the safest place and is in goods hands. She's also very happy where she's at." I said.
Professor McGonagall nodded her head.
"If I may ask Zatanna how are you involved with Ms. Potter." Professor Dumbledore asked.
I told them of how Emily appeared in the Watchtower and how ahe came to stay with one the League members. I just didn't say who that person is. The professor seemed okay with that answer.
"Well since Ms. Potter is in good hands. I believe it is time that we take our leave." He said.
I shook my head. "No, there is still one other problem that needs to be settled."
He looked confused. "What would that be?"
"Sirius Black. I've recently learned that he's in prison for betraying the Potters."
"Yes sadly that's true. No one expected it?" He said sadly.
"Really, because when looked for his sentence I found that he never received a trial. Another thing I found strange is that the newspapers said he was their secret keeper which he wasn't. He was the decoy, so Voldemort or his followers wouldn't go after the real one." I said.
Both Dumbledore and McGonagall froze at my words.
"If what you're saying is true, then who was the real secret keeper?" Professor Dumbledore asked.
"Peter Pettigrew." I said.
"Well, I go talk to the minister and see if we get this all straighten out." Dumbledore said. "Now, I contact you when I've given an answer. Good evening."
He got up and went to the fireplace and flooed away. I nodded as I made my way out of his office and out the door.

Sorry about the long wait. But it couldn't be helped. I sorry to say won't be able to update any time soon because my phone service is about to go off. Also I no longer have Internet at home, and my school has blocked Wattpad. But I promise I'm still working on this story. I just won't be able to upload any chapters for a while. If I do it means I've managed to get somewhere that has Internet. I HAVEN'T ABANDONED THIS STORY!!
Sorry for the inconvenience.

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