Chapter twenty three

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"Jeremy..." I said softly, struggling to stand. I tore myself away from the girl's death grip and stumbled towards the perfect angel in my doorway.

He took a step backwards and my heart broke.

"Who..?" Jeremy started to ask, looking between me and the wretched girl still on the kitchen floor.

"Oh my god, what is that?" She asked, pointing at Jeremy. The boy blinked in confusion. He tilted his head slightly, looking at her. I wanted to run over to him and hold him close, protect him from this stranger.

He's scared of you now. You broke his trust.

I didn't mean to.

But you did.

It wasn't my fault!

"Wh-what?" Jeremy asked, trying to figure out what she meant.

"How dare you talk to him that way?" I hissed, glaring at the girl. I couldn't believe this random person just walked into my house and spoke to Jeremy Heere as if he was just some commoner.

The girl laughed, and that was the last straw. I physically pushed her out of my house, shutting and locking the door.

"Jeremy...Jeremy I can explain." I said helplessly, turning to face him. "She...I don't even know her, I promise."

"You d-don't have to explain yourself to me." Jeremy said softly. "I'm not...I'm not, like, your boyfriend or anything."

The words stung worse than the tears that pricked my eyes.

"N-no I...I know you're not..." I said softly, not able to make eye contact with him. It was stupid, how upset I was getting over this. Jeremy wasn't my boyfriend. I knew that. But I'd just kind of hoped...

Hoped what?

Hoped that I meant something to him.

"I...I'll head home." Jeremy responded, and I thought I could see tears in his electric eyes.

"No! No I...if you're upset w-with me or...or don't want to see me right now I understand, but please at least spend the night in the guest room. I want you to be safe. Please."

Jeremy thought for a moment. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he processed.

"Okay." He said finally.

"God, thank you..." I said. "I know you know where it is I won't bother you anymore. I'll go to my room and get to sleep. Goodnight, Jer." All I wanted to do was pull him into my arms and kiss him, but I was able to stand firm. Miracle of miracles.

"Goodnight, Jake." Jeremy said quietly. I turned to walk up the stairs to my room when I felt him run up to me and wrap his arms around my torso.



I all but exploded, hugging the perfect boy as close to me as I could. God knows when the next time he'll actually be able to trust me is.

"Thank you for keeping me safe. Thank you so much." He said, but his voice was slightly muffled from his face pressed against my shirt. I smiled and rubbed his back soothingly.

"Of course, Jeremy. Anytime. If you ever need somewhere to go to be safe, my door is always open for you." I said honestly, not letting go until I felt his arms loosen.

He made his way to the guest room, and with a heavy heart I climbed the stairs to mine. I lay down to fall asleep, but my pillows and sheets still smelled like him.

Trying to fall asleep without Jeremy Heere after I'd spent a night with him in my arms was damn near impossible. I absolutely fucking longed to feel his arms around me, his head on my chest, his heartbeat against mine. But I knew he was safe in my house, just downstairs.

I cradled a pillow close to my chest, eventually falling asleep with my face buried.


It felt like I had literally just closed my eyes when I was awoken by a gentle knock at my bedroom door. I sat up sleepily, stumbling over to open it. Jeremy stood there, his eyes pink and puffy as if he'd been crying. He looked at me with those gorgeous eyes full of regret.

"I'm s-sorry." He breathed.

I led him to my bed, drawing him close to my heart.

"Shh...shh, sweet boy...everything's okay, it's all okay." I cooed softly, running my fingers through his curls.

"I-I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have assumed things I...god, I'm s-sorry I'm so fucking sorry, Jakey..." Jeremy said between breaths, and I could tell that he was trying not to cry. My heart leapt, and I was beyond grateful that this boy wasn't angry with me for something that I couldn't control.

"It's's all okay, Jer. It's okay..." I forgave him immediately, stroking his hair affectionately. I didn't stop; even after he had passed out I was still playing with his curls.

I don't even remember falling asleep.

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