Chapter ten

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I tried not to be disappointed with the fact that Jeremy wasn't there yet. Sighing, I put my things in my locker and stumbled sleepily to my first class. As soon as I got there, I leaned my chin on my hand and watched the whiteboard lazily.

Formulas and equations went up on the board one by one as the teacher droned on about more math shit that I honestly couldn't give a single fuck about.

Suddenly, Jeremy came bursting through the door. He was wearing a knee length pink dress and smiled apologetically at the teacher, making my heart pound quickly.

"Sorry I'm late." Jeremy said smoothly, running a hand through his curls. He scanned the room for an empty seat and I waved him over to sit next to me.

He took the seat next to me and instantly wrapped his arms around me. I sat frozen. Jeremy Heere was touching me.

Do something, you moron!

I pulled him closer to me, praying that he couldn't hear my heart beating.

"I missed you..." he murmured, sending chills up my spine.

"I-I-" I stuttered like an idiot. Jeremy grinned.

"You're cute." He said softly, touching my jaw gently.

Don't pass out don't pass out don't pass out...

"Th-thank you." I squeaked. He simply nodded in return, not taking his crystal eyes off of mine.

"Can I kiss you?"

My heart stopped. Time stood still. Nothing seemed to move.

"I...wh-what?" I asked, thinking I'd probably heard him incorrectly.

"Can I kiss you?" Jeremy repeated, searching my face with his searing eyes. I couldn't breathe. I could hardly move.

I finally managed to nod, leaning forward with embarrassing eagerness.

I saw him come closer, felt his breath on my lips and-

I snapped awake to the sound of the school bell. Cursing, I pulled myself up and dragged myself the hall.

What? You thought it was real? The voice in my head taunted. I ignored it, already beyond upset.

Grumbling to myself, I walked to my chemistry class. I sat at my stool, burying my face in my arms as I desperately tried to finish the dream I had in math.

"Rough night?"

How could you forget who your lab partner is? Where's your brain? Do you even have a singular brain cell?

"Hey Jeremy!" I practically screeched, my voice cracking about fifteen times.

I guess not.

I'd played and replayed approaching Jeremy in my head last night, none of the scenarios included me looking like a complete idiot.

Jeremy sat next to me, unpacking his bag. My pulse was loud in my ears. I didn't know what to do. Was he going to mention last night? Did he even remember? Was I supposed to bring it up? God, I had no idea how to handle this situation.

"Hey I'm really..." Jeremy paused, seemingly thinking for the right word. I thought I was going to throw up from anxiety. "Sorry. About last night."

Wait what?

"Why are you sorry?"

He regrets it. He hates you.

"I f-feel like I made you uncomfortable..." Jeremy mumbled, staring at his hands and fidgeting with his sleeves. I almost laughed and the pure ridiculousness of the idea.

"Me? Uncomfortable?" I asked, bending down a bit to make eye contact. To my horror, his eyes were tinged pink, and he was obviously holding back tears. "Oh my god...Jeremy..." I said softly, starting to tear up myself.

"I-I...I'm really sorry." Jeremy said in a heartbreakingly broken voice. Physical pain shot through me as I realized that I was the cause of his tears, at least to an extent.

"There's nothing to apologize for." I assured him.

Seriously. It was, like, the best thing to ever happen to me. Ever.

"There's n-not?" He asked, sniffling. Jeremy wiped his eyes and nose with his sleeve. I tried not to stare at how bright his irises were, especially with the reddening color in his eyes. I blinked back some of my own tears.

"There's not." I said softly. "I promise." I hugged him tightly, letting him lean into my chest.

People say that when you meet your soulmate, you feel complete. I'd known Jeremy for years and only now, holding him like this, I understood what they meant.

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