Chapter four

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After school, I walked the long way through the halls as usual. Now don't laugh, but I did this because when I went the long way, I got to see Jeremy in the halls for a second. Pathetic, I know.

"You guys sure had some chemistry, huh?" Rich asked, walking beside me.

"Bro oh my god you did not just say that."

"I did. It was hilarious. I'm hilarious. You're laughing so hard right now." Rich said, laughing at his own joke.

"You're such a dork, bro." I laughed. And then I saw Jeremy's form walking through the hall and it felt like time stopped.

"God Jake, drool much?" Rich asked, nudging me playfully. I felt my face turn pink and shoved him lightly.

"Hi Jake!" Jeremy waved as he passed me. I was so shocked that I hadn't even lifted my hand to wave back until he'd already passed me.

"Smooth..." Rich snickered, making me blush even more.

"You suck..." I muttered playfully.

"Yeah. I suck Michael's di-" Rich started.

"Nope nope nope I'm going home now this is too much I don't want to hear about your sex life!" I exclaimed, putting my hands over my ears and shaking my head.

"Your loss," Rich shrugged, grinning smugly.

"It's really not!" I called over my shoulder, running to the parking lot. I started my car and began home. I glanced to the left, turning on my blinker. There was a familiar silhouette on the pavement, walking with his head down.

Pulling over immediately, I rolled down my window. "Hey you need a ride home?" I asked.

"O-oh hey Jake!" Jeremy seemed genuinely happy to see me. Albeit confused, which was warranted. "I'm okay...I can walk! I have working legs." He pulled his weather beaten cardigan tighter around his thin frame.

Okay, it's not legal for him to be that cute.

"I insist!" I said, unlocking the car door and ignoring everyone honking at me to move. "Hop in." Jeremy smiled that gorgeous smile, making my knees go weak. Thank god I was sitting down, or I probably would have crashed onto the ground. He glanced around nervously at the other cars, and I could tell he was anxious about all the honking and yelling and noise.

"Thank you." Jeremy answered finally, getting in quickly. As soon as he was in, I sped off. Even though he was trying to keep it down, I could tell he was shivering. His face was red from the cold outside and I could see his fingers shaking, unable to bend. It hurt my heart to see him like that.

"It's like 28 degrees outside, Jeremy! You can't walk home in that cold!" I said, frantically flipping on the heater.

"It's n-not that bad..." he answered softly.

"Your teeth are chattering louder than a goddamn metronome!" I argued, stopping at a red light and turning to him. I pulled off my letterman and placed it over his shoulders. Honestly, it looked way better on him than it did on me.

"I-I..." Jeremy started to protest, but I cut him off.

"Jer, it's freezing out there!" I took both of his perfect, delicate hands in my giant awkward ones and tried to warm them. It was like holding icicles. God, this boy.

"Please don't y-yell at me..." he whispered, making my heart pound. I never intended to yell. I would never raise my voice to Jeremy. I knew how fragile he could be.

"Sh-shit...shit I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry." I said, looking into his eyes. I could literally see every single one of his long, dark eyelashes beautifully framing those icy eyes.

Snap out of it.

"It's ok." Jeremy answered, to my relief. "I forgive you. Sorry I can be sensitive."

"We need more sensitive people on this earth. Really, there are far too many calloused, mean people. You're one in a million. I don't want to ever ever hear of you apologizing for being yourself. Okay?" I asked, searching his eyes and trying to keep my butterflies under control. I really didn't know where all those words came from. They just kind of poured out of my mouth, but they made Jeremy smile. I would do anything to make Jeremy smile.

"Okay..." he answered, squeezing my hand.

My heart stopped, and it only pounded again when the car behind us honked, signaling that the light was green.

"Oh fuck off, you stupid minivan." I muttered. Jeremy laughed and my heart nearly stopped all over again.

Jeremy Heere is probably going to be the death of me.

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