Killing The Boy

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Both Xaro and Doreah begged for mercy after they heard who Jon truly is, but Jon didn't knew them and he didn't know what crime they commited, all he knew was that Dany was involved in their improsnment and know they fear him for no reason.

"You don't have kneel to me." Jon wanted them to be on their feet.
"Thank you, Your Grace." Both of them thanked him again.
"What in seven hells did you two do that you got yoursleves trapped ?" Jon tried to make a joke out of the question.
"Well, we..." Xaro tried to form words.
"We betrayed the Khaleesi." Doreah cut. "Your Grace."
"You betrayed her. How ?" Jon asked them.
"By selling her to a warlock." Xaro answered with fear in his eyes. "We are sorry for what we have done, and we ask forgiveness."
Jon was skeptical and he dissliked to be a King, especialy not in a strange land. "Whatever you did, its up to her to judge you, but to me, you could show me this city a bit."

After some time Xaro showed allmost of the city and explained its history, how he was once a member of The 13 and how he and Doreah ended up in a vault. As they walked pass by a building Jon started to have flashbacks again, and this time they felt like they were trying to get him inside the building.
'Kill the boy.' Jon could hear the maester's voice inside his head even louder.
'Promise me, Ned.' He could also hear a woman's voice now begging something from his father Ned.
Jon stopped himself and he looked at the building, wanting to get inside.
"You don't want to get inside in this house. Trust me." Xaro warned Jon.
"You are not ready for it." Quaithe stated behind them.
"What is this place ?" Jon was curious.
"This is the House of The Undying." Xaro presented it to him. "It was used by the warlock Pyat Pree until he died in it from dragonfire."

After the day passed, Jon was trying to sleep. 'Kill the boy.' Jon was dreaming about Aemon's advice to him.
As he slept he picture a young Ned holding an infant boy while dying woman was asking him to promise something. 'Promise me, Ned.' The kind voice echoed in his head.

The next dream was inside the throne room with the Iron Throne not being destroyed and on it sat a young man with silver-blonde haire with the same woman from his earlier dream in his arms, and they held a baby. "Egg." The both called him and Jon continoued to dream.

The next dream was even stranger to him. He dream about being inside a city that has been turned into ruins thousands of years ago. As walked throught the city he saw a man who had the same face as him but his haire was silver and short with lillac eyes.
'Come to me.' The man's deep voice called to himself. 'The House of The Undying.' And the voice told him where to meet him.

As he opened his eyes Ghost was licking his face and Kinvar was worried about him. "You had a long dream." She stated.
"Aye." Jon agreed.
"What did you saw in your dream ?" Kinvara asked about his dream.
"I saw a city left in ruins thousands of years ago." Jon told her what he saw.
"That was Old Valyria." Kinvara explained to him. "Your father's and Daenerys's ancestrial city, from wich the Targaryens came from."
"I felt sad inside of it." Jon stated. "And I felt like it waits for someone to do something."
"Perhaps it wants to be rebuilt again." Kinvara suggested to Jon.

"What does Valyrian mean anything ?" Jon was curious about the word and he started to notice a similariy between the First Men and the Valyrians in some way.
"In some of the history books the Valyrian Freeholds were much like the First Men." Kinvara explained to him.

After some time both Jon and Ghost were walking again throught Qarth and the both noticed the House.
"You don't have to come with me if you are afraid, Ghost." He looked at his direwolf but instead of noticing any signs of fear he saw how he calm he was and determined. "Alright." Jon took a deep breath. "We'll go inside together." And both of them started to enter the House of The Undying to find something inside.

As they entered, Quaithe watched them pationatly with her own thoughts and stated to herself.
"Aegon and his Ghost."

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