A Strange Land For A Snow

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Days passed, almost a week and both Jon and Ghost were still on Drogon taking them somewhere far east in Essos, far away from Westeros, far away from his friends and family.
He could feel the winds and he was tired, tired of fighting and tired of flying on that black beast. He was asleep but he couldn't let himself to shut his eyes and endanger his direwolf friend, only friend he could trust in this entire world and has never let him down.

Hours passed and Drogon finnaly landed in a desert. Ghost jumped off of the dragon with Longclaw still in his jaw and Jon followed him tired and beaten like a dog.
"Are you crazy ?!" Jon shouted at the dragon and all he could see was Drogon taking flight, probably to take some rest in a nearby nest that he built.
"Where in seven hells did that dragon brought us ?" He looked around while he asked Ghost while knowing he won't get any answers.
"We are not in Westeros anymore, that's for sure." He nodded to Ghost while taking Longclaw to keep it by his side. He was afraid, afraid and alone and tired, he wanted to sleep but the day was too hot that Ghost started to howl and look for water.

At night, Jon made a camp, he slept with Ghost in a tent which they found on their road to somewhere. Jon noticed that someone camped at that spot years ago leaving onyl a tent.
"A Dothraki tent." Jon was afraid that if the horselords find out that he is here, it will be war again. "Stay aware Ghost, we don't want to meet any strange people her." Jon ordered his companion and they both fell to sleep.

At the next morning, both Jon and Ghost continued their walk to find some shelter and some food. Ghost was hungry just as Jon and he didn't like that very much to be alone in a foreign land that is unwelcome to them, especialy not to a Northman and a wolf.

As they journeyed they spotted a woman riding on a horse with another one following her.
"Why is she alone ?" Jon looked at her and the woman got his attention and hurried her moves towards him.
She was in red robes, Jon noticed and he knew that she might be one the Red Priestesess like the one that brought him back years ago.

After they both got closer, the woman started to talk like she knew him.
"Welcome to Essos, Jon Snow." The woman smiled at him. "I have been expecting your arrival."
"Who are you ?" Jon wanted to know who he is speaking to. "And how do you know my name ?" He was confused and worried about his own mind.
"My name Kinvara, a Red Priestess of Rholl'or." The woman introduced herself. "And like any other follower of the Lord of Light, my duty is to know everything about you and to support you." She answered with a smile.
"And what does your God want from me ?" Jon asked her with a bad mood.
"You to finnaly kill the Jon Snow in you and let the man Aegon Targaryen be born." She told the exact words which maester Aemon told him years ago when he was Lord Commder of the Night's Watch.
'Kill boy Jon Snow.' He could hear his voice at that moment. 'Kill the boy, and let the Man be born.' His mind was racing and he had no other option to follow the woman.

A couple of hours passed and they arrived in front of a city wall with a gate to it shut.
"Where did you take ?" Jon wanted to know.
"These walls belong to the once city of Qarth." Kinvara answered him.
"Is it empty ?" Jon felt uncomfortable.
"No." She told him. "But the people here live in fear after their leaders, The 13, were killed." Kinvara stated.
"A city with no leader." Jon was afraid of it. "What happened here ?"
"The Mother of Dragons happened years ago." She was honest and Jon got scared.
"I thought that she liberated the people of slavery." Jon started to worry and saw Drogon flying in circle over them.
"She did." Kinvara said. "She had done many great deeds here in Essos just as you have done many great deeds in Westeros, Jon Snow." She looked at him with pride and he dissliked that.
"I have done nothing good except pain and death to the people." Jon was negative.
"And yet the people still cheer you and drink throasts to your name." Kinvara tried to convince him that everything he did, he did for the good of The Realm.

While they were sitting on the horses in front the city the gate started to move open and a woman in mask emerged from the city's beauty.
"My Lady." the mysterious woman greeted her first. "Welcome to the City of Qarth, Your Grace." She turned to Jon and looked to his eyes like she knew who he really was and that made Jon even more uncomfartable.

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