The Reunion

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At the momen they arrived at King's Landing, Jon noticed that the city didn't had any walls to protect itself from outside dangers which is kind of strange to him. He remembered all the horrors what happened in this city, little children burned while they were in their mother's arms, the surrendered Lannister soldiers which fought only for their lives and the lives of their closest ones.

As the went closer to the Red Keep, Jon noticed all of his friends, his brother The King, he even noticed Arya was back after her journey and some unwelcoming faces, most notably Grey Worm, Lady Greyjoy and Dothraki Khal.

Sam and Gilly with their children stepped forward to greet Jon first with a brotherly hug. "It was long time since we parted, Jon." Sam smiled.
"Little Sam." Jon greeted their son and noticed their daughter.
"Oh, this Lyanna." Sam met her to Jon.
"Me and Gilly agreed to name her after Lady Mormont." He lied, Jon noticed.
"Ser Davos." Jon greeted his former advisor.
"After all those years, you still didn't change that brooding face." Davos laughed with him.
Yare went closer with an angry look. "Aegon Targaryen, isn't it ?" Jon forced a smile but he still couldn't accept that name not even after his conversation with Tyrion.
"It's just Jon." But he favoured his bastard name over his Targaryen name more.
Grey Worm stepped forward to Jon. "I am glad that Daenerys's relative is alive." Jon expected  some hostility from the leader of the Unsullied.
"I thought you and your men are in Essos ?" Jon noticed only him.
"No longer Unsullied, we didn't count on poisinous butterflies, only I survived." Grey Worm explained.

Arya came also to greet her brother and he gave her a hug.
"How did your travels went ?" Jon was curious.
"Better than I expected." Arya had so much to share with her brother.
"I also I found out that our world is round." Arya continued, "So I ended up in Essos, freed some people accidently and came back." she smiled at him.

When Jon finished with his friends he kneeled in front of The King.
"Your Grace." Jon glanced at Bran.
"There is no need to kneel to anyone Jon." Bran smiled at him.
"I apologize for not telling him this earlier." Tyrion felt ashame.

"You are tired, you should take some rest from your journey." Bran emotionless gave the order to Ser Brienne to se Jon to his chambers.
But first he announced a gathering.
"There is so much to disscus about, in two days we are having a Great Council in the Dragonpit." Bran finished.

Almost everyone went to their own job and Jon followed Brienne to his chamber. As they stopped in front of the room he noticed a three headed dragon engraved on the door, clearly pointing that this was meant for the Targaryen Kings and Queens, and Jon started to have nightmares again when saw the sigil.

"Are you alright ?" Brieene noticed Jon's fear of that sigil.
"It's..." Jon tried to form words, "it's nothing.". He lied, he knew that he was a Targaryen, but still he was afraid of it, what if something happens, what if he turns Mad too.

As he entered into the room he looked around with wonder, 'How man like me deserves to sleep in this room ?', as he looked around Jon noticed Ghost how he looked to showcase with suspicion with an untouched key.
"What is wrong Ghost ?" He asked his direwolf and Ghost went to touch the showcase.

As he moved closer, he took key and noticed that this showcase was last time opened ten year ago. He slowly unlocked the gusset and saw a letter inside of it with the seal of House Targaryen.

As he grabed the paper he broke the seal to read the message and he was shocked. It was signed by Daenerys Targaryen hours before he put a knife to her heart.

"I Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, here announce that I made a terrible but nesecary choice to secure a better future for House Targaryen and my child whose father is Aegon Sixth of his name of the Houses Stark and Targaryen, will forever rule Westeros as Kings and Queens from this day until the end of our days.

Daenerys Targaryen."

Jon couldn't belive what he just read, he didn't just killed Dany, he also murdered his own child.

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