A Wolf's Guilt

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Tyrion was mad, not about the answer that Jon gave to him, but about letting down all the people who care about Jon and himself. But the next morning he gave another try to convince Jon to come back to life and accept what is rightfully his, if not for himself than for Daenerys.

Jon was sitting in the Lord Commander's chair as Tyrion came in. "I though I told you yesterday that I don't want it, my lord." Jon was mad.
"Yes, but I promised our King that I will bring you back where you belong or otherwise he can gladly behead me for my failed attempt." Tyrion was joking to Jon. "I am not asking you to take any crowns or lordships, I asking  you to start to move on with your life." Tyrion was serious.
"And what do you think that makes me different the rest of the Targaryens ? I lost that war, Tyrion, I lost it. Even if you try to give me something that I want, I won't be happy in my life," Jon was right about that and Tyrion agreed to it, "everything I wanted was in one woman and I still lost her in our madness, in that stupid chaire." Jon took a deep breath. "All I want now is Drogon to come here to burn me alive and be done with it."
Tyrion was angry at Jon for saying that. "Is that wath you belive you are, a madman like everyone else ? Let me tell you, you are not like the rest of the Targaryens, even you try to become one you'll never be one because the people love you not because of who you are but because of what you are. You are an inspiration, for the future generations, Daenerys always promised to break a wheel and failed at but you are the one who actualy did it, you are Aegon The Breaker of Wheels." Tyrion was right.
"And why does it feel so wrong ?" Jon raised his voice.
"Because you are refusing every single possobility which has been given to you." Tyrion frowned. "Ten years have passed... since that horrible event, the people of Westeros deserve to know the truth about it, about how Aegon Targaryen ended the Conquest and ended tyranny across the continent." Tyrion nodded. "I know you miss her, I miss her too, and not just her, I also miss my family more than anyone, I mourn for them and I came to realization that there is no worst punishment in life than living with the fact that you failed someone you care about." Tyrion's eyes filled with tears. "I am not asking you to wear a crown for your glory, I am asking you accept it as a punishment for being what your what your father was, what your true father had been and for what your own mother was. I am asking you to face the people you serve and finaly reveal the truth about that day, how the people lived in a lie for thirty years and they deserve to know."

Tyrion's word stroke Jon straight into his heart, he thought about his life, about his mother, he always dreamed about her kind beatiful face, he coud have never imagined himself being a highborn, not even a Targaryen Prince, his eyes were full of tears, but those were not for Dany, but for his uncle Ned, the man who gave him a family and protected him and risked his own honor in the sake for his life, made him Stark while knowing that he was a Targaryen, and finaly he agreed to go with Tyrion to King's Landing.

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